shills prove Q.
haha shills are stupid.
Trolling shills is fun.
AF1 pics are real.
Anons know.
If shills hate Q, why here?
Make sense?
Q must be real for shills to be here.
What's wrong shills?
Getting no replies?
Try harder.
A cult that encourages the truth?
No, just people sick of shill lies.
now, go tell your masters.
Dumb shills trying to be Q.
Don't embarrass yourself.
The Worlds is watching.
Nothing more pathetic than a triggered shill.
Try harder.
Or better yet give up.
We all know the future.
That's right shill.
Keep proving Q.
Why else would u be here, if Q fake?
These shills have no arguments.
No ideas.
No memes.
No truth.
Try harder shills.
Then there is the dumb ass shills.
haha HAHA huma HUMA.
HAHA to obvious shill.
What's wrong, no creativity?
shill memes suck.
HA HA shills say Anons fail stress test.
#2 remember shills?
Come on out shills so we can ID.
shills can't think logically.
That's the problem.
You will never get yous like that shill.
Try harder.
Wow look at these obvious shills.
No attempt to try harder.
Send the better shills.
These will get no you's from the Anons.
Keep proving Q shill, that's what your good at.
Anons are brainwashed to dig meme PRAY.
What are shills brainwashed to do?
haha 38 post, no replies.
HAHA HUMA try harder shill.