>>4331386 lb
>>4331409 lb
trying to figure that out
i'm a webdevfag and that park.above.com/jr.php?gz=[…] url is weird.
i'll supply what i know
having wlsearch.tk redirect to this address that includes weird variables wouldn't be standard operating procedure. The site its passed to doesn't appear to do anything with the information, but we wouldn't know. jr.php is the processing script for the $_GET variables and it could include/require any kind of library underneath to use the values in the URL… store them in a database, etc. etc..
url uses $_GET variables, could use CURL to manipulate the information contained in the key/value pairs
variable names are:
gz (gzipped data? gzinflate/base64_decode perhaps)
> data is encrypted or encoded by some manner, my attempts to decode yield 'wacky characters'
>=1455%3A690 ( 1455:690 ) ( visible screen space of page)
>= 1600%3A:900 (1600:900) - aspect resolution of MY MONITOR
>=2563%3A841 (2563:841) another resolution setting it seems
os (operating system?)
>=t (t values in URLs usually mean "true" or "yes" or "1" or "on")
nos (noscript?)
swfV (flash version? swf is flash file ext )
ckReS (checkResult? checksum? these are encryption terms)
not sure what this number could be
thing about variable names is … they are variable. usually abbreviations or 'containers' for a true value. like $president = "Donald Trump"; where $president can have different values depending on circumstances ( for president, the value would be dependent on what YEAR it is )
based on the values above, the intention for the key can sort of be derived… (screen res, etc )
https://www.degraeve.com/reference/urlencoding.php encoded character list
[ %3A is encoding for the : symbol ]
is all i've got so far. maybe more eyes can help