Anonymous ID: 333cac Dec. 16, 2018, 1:55 a.m. No.4332621   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Slides are for kids - not Anons.


Dig on Tory Smith (Accuser):


Where does Tory Smith get his evidence that Mike & Karen Pence are pedos?


"I read the information direct out of peoples DNA and I also communicate with People In Heaven and directly with The Hall of Justice, The Hall of Research, The Hall of Charts, and I also speak to The Galactics from time to time, who arrested the new CIA director and the new Attorney General of the united states just a while ago."


Epistemology is the study of how humans obtain knowledge. Evaluating evidence is of paragon importance to this pursuit. If this "evidence" is all that's required to besmirch a family's character, then we're all doomed. No better than Kav's accuser.


Any Anon would be willing to entertain a credible accusation, so long as there is supporting evidence - regardless the political stripe of the person in question. However, until facts are presented, this is nothing but a hit job against our VP.


Tory Smith should probably be pitied, if he believed what he was saying. His theology is a bit out of whack too - "Mother and Father God"?