ERB dope
Abe Lincoln and Chuck Norris face off in this episode of Epic Rap Battles Of History. Who won? You decide.
Dr Suess and William Shakespeare collide in this episode of Epic Rap Battles Of History. Who won? You decide.
Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg face off in this bonus episode of Epic Rap Battles of History.
Who won? Who’s next? You decide!
Albert Einstein collides with Stephen Hawking in this episode of Epic Rap Battles Of History. Who won? You decide.
Sarah Palin and Lady Gaga clash in this episode of Epic Rap Battles Of History. Who won? You decide.
Darth Vader vs Hitler. Epic Rap Battles of History
Billy Mays vs Ben Franklin. Epic Rap Battles of History
Napoleon vs Napoleon. Epic Rap Battles of History
Thts hilarious
Bombshell! Video Mashup Reveals Pathetic RussiaGate Coverage
Thank you
Q and Qanon
Name one celebrity that has faked their death and came back into the public. It doesn't happen sorry.
Mr T vs Mr Rogers. Epic Rap Battles of History