Anonymous ID: 42bb49 Dec. 16, 2018, 5:50 a.m. No.4333727   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Why have the two main 'Modern-Day Villains' continued to be Russia & the Middle East?

Plus NK as an added bonus.

Why so quiet when it comes to CHINA?

  • Misdirection * Distraction * Sophisticated - 'Confirmation Bias' Op.

While (We The People's) attention has been drawn by the [Cabal Information Agents = the whole spectrum of controlled media] to the 'Crafted' & activated 'Villains'; (((they))) have been using China as their (Secret Laboratory) to develop (((their))) "Brave New World"-AI-IoT-"Smart City" system.


While 'The Controllers' have 'The Masses' following the laser pointer:

  • Western: Big Biz, Univ. Scientists & Traitors in Gov.

Have been steadily 'Fueling' & Facilitating the development of the "Brave New World"-AI-IoT-"Smart City" system.


I drop sauce on China here frequently.

Days like yesterday's shit-show seem futile.

Days of slide/tag-team shill/shit-posting/kiddie-porn/threat-posting & posting to implicate this board in dangerous/malicious activity:


SOMEBODY = Is "Shitting Bricks".

In the USAF we called it ECM - Electronic Counter-Measures.

Jam the enemy's signal to deny them the ability to effectively comm.

Q does a "Stress Test" → Demons flood this board screeching & sliding.


I hear demons screech & howl when they're exorcised.

Those who scream the loudest.