Anonymous ID: e8c581 Dec. 16, 2018, 6:19 a.m. No.4333878   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3998 >>4042 >>4145

Imagine a computer. It has an operating system, right? Okay, now go ahead and add an AI that eventually creates its own virtual OS. Eventually it gets smart enough to make its own virtual AI within the AI's OS but at some point the AI you created gets so smart it starts wondering "Is any of this real?"


Now what about when you get so technologically advanced, not only do you have a super computer in your reality, you now have quantum computers, and now super quantum computers. Eventually you'll be able to store an entire world on 1 machine.



Just like that AI you created, we too live in a Simulation being ran by someone higher. And of course we want to leave this simulation or Ascend into a higher reality. In order to ascend, there are steps, goals, and/or rules we must follow until our death. When we die, 1 of 2 things could happen:


If you meet all the requirements, you will ascend to the higher reality first into a "data buffer" in the middle of these realities. This data buffer is controlled by a higher reality then the reality you ascended into. Only during conception can you transfer from the data buffer to the fetus.


If you don't, you'll just Reincarnate back into that same reality via the data buffer right under that reality.


Issue: Souls vs AI/data.


Resolution: Each time you ascend, your AI/data becomes more complex and more real. At some point the data becomes so complex and real, it might as well be a soul. And then during the final ascension, it becomes a literal soul. So basically what we think of a soul is actually just something similar to a framework of data with more data building on it over time.


Reincarnation will do a complete reset, whereas ascension is actually data going up 2 levels taking only the best parts, get rid of the bad, refine and optimize it and sending it down 1 level lower (1 level higher then where it started).


The idea of ascending 2 times then down 1 time also fixes the issue of unaware primitives becoming aware too early.


It's basically the same as us taking data from a virtual computer directly into another computer while completely skipping the real computer which the virtual computer is on, and then editing and optimizing it before sending it back into the real computer. That's a modern day example. A futuristic example would be to automate taking data from a simulation within a simulation, work on it, and move it back into just the simulation.



Issue: the further down the layers of simulations you go, at some point that reality will be so simple due to the fact that at some point it doesnt matter how far up you go data will always be finite and going down there is still a definite smallness you can achieve


Resolution: There may or may not be infinite simulations going outwards, but there are finite simulations going inwards. At some point it will be impossible to even have computers because of how the laws of physics work in that reality.


So just because it may be impossible for us in this reality to simulate another reality at any point in the future does not invalidate the entire "Reality is a simulation" theory. It may still be possible that we are in a simulation.


However, I do strongly believe that we are fully capable of such a simulation granted we don't kill ourselves into extinction before then….


Which brings me to my next issue:


What happens to all that data if your simulation ends in its own termination?


Resolution: You can either A. Rollback to a certain point before everything started going downhill and then just assist a tiny bit in "guiding it" in the right direction. or B. Restart the entire simulation over again.

Anonymous ID: e8c581 Dec. 16, 2018, 6:23 a.m. No.4333905   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3929 >>3945 >>4015 >>4030 >>4313 >>4500 >>4537


Hundreds of trafficked children ‘lost’ by local authorities


A quarter of trafficked children who were in the care of local authorities in the UK last year have going missing from the system, according to new research by two British charities that work with vulnerable children.