There will be no concentration camps this time around, there will be complete eradication of the jews.
""Why would trump release antisemitism via white house?""
You must introduce to the public that such a thing can exist. When given proof that jews can indeed be evil, the public will turn against them. The public will initially have a hard time but once they start seeing proof such as
France Riot pushing antisemitism
The EU Riots
A counter to the Arab Spring, DJT is using the same tactic they used to bring down North African regimes. The damage done by the Arab Spring must be reversed.
Buying up their Homeland(Israel)
The takeover has already started and large amount of money will be spent to buy any real estate that can be bought in Israel. Insurgencies and destabilize the country. Using their own strategies against them. They are stupid.
The attack on Israel
An invasion of Israel will occur from both sides. Crusades.
The liberation of EU will happen after the riots.
EU from above, and Saudis from Below. Complete annihilation of Jews.
The Fire Rises