Anonymous ID: f3b50c Dec. 16, 2018, 8:07 a.m. No.4334818   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4877

Patriots, I ask for some of your time and focus. It could prove worthwhile.

Examine the contents of the attached, provided document, which I will condense and summarize in this post.

The document indicated provides a rough overview of a new, proposed secondary strategy for interpreting Q's drops.

Consider how many times Q has said this exact question "Why is this relevant?". What did anons find? Autist-sense tingling? Notable, significant, unusual? Frequent repetition…. a coincidence? Repeating pattern within Q's messages? Repeated over multiple messages? Especially concentrated or clustered for a particular time period? Why?


Imagine information has, potentially, at least two methods for encoding meaning: (a) the content of the message - the standard, primary level thematic info encoded by sentences and (b) how it is patterned, presented, organized, structured: the container or the structural, orientation or relationship information receives from its arrangement. Something like Plato's Matter vs. Forms distinction.

Meaning conveyed at two levels. Has possibilities to code a message for a known target audience if they are use to giving some attention to the container carrying the information content. Intrigued?

Examine if Q has made efforts at communicating on two levels in the drops: both by message content and by message structure or patterns.

Time for the day of the trope. Look up, as an example, the Greek rhetorical trope antanaclasis? Significant? From the Greek word for reflection. THINK MIRROR. Familiar? Compare to "Why is this relevant"? See this phrase [Why is this relevant] as a [literary unit] or a building block in the message, not just as the meaning of the sentence itself. Expand your thinking. How does it fit into the larger literary structure…why is "why is this relevant" relevant? Nested meaning. Echoes (()). Chans like indicators of nested meaning, good at noticing coincidences. Chans passionate about echoes,… so what if Q team has the best echoes? Tremendous echoes. Echoes they said were mathematically impossible? That couldn't be done? Well, believe you me, MANY SUCH CASES.

Q is using OUR comms; talking directly to this board. Review and note community practices used by the chans, "traditions" and "rituals", for indicating/marking something as significant or important? Dubs, echoes, coincidences, (You).

How could these niche, intracultural signifiers of the chans, our markers of what is important and worthy of focus or attention, be implemented in structured, literary form to convey meaning in a short message. In other words, how could Q weaponize autism?

Q, as /ourguy/, is using OUR comms to strategically convey meaning, to talk directly to anons and encode messages uniquely decipherable by anons? BIG day anons. Q is talking not just talking to you, Q is talking to (you). Much to see, enjoy the show!