Anonymous ID: 5e2917 Dec. 16, 2018, 12:18 p.m. No.4337086   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7126

>>4336804 lb

Actually, I mispoke when I said "no matter what country Jews live in."

Jews argue for, and enjoy, very different standards for Israel than they do for other nations. While they argue for open borders, multi-culturalism, race-mixing, low birthrate bc muh climate change, and many other leftist policies for other nations, in their own nation they're quite conservative and protectionist: they have a wall, eject immigrants/asylum seekers, employ strict genetic tests for new citizenship and marriage restrictions to keep the race pure, and have a birthrate well above replacement levels – over 3 iirc. Meanwhile whites are mid to low 1, far below the replacement level of 2.1ish, depending on the nation, which is why we've sunk to 7% of the world pop and falling. Nations such as Italy and Hungary that have implemented financial incentives for their native population have seen an uptick in birthrate, but for nations still overburdened by welfare-drain taxes and anti-white discrimination in the job market, birthrate is still dangerously low.


>>4336860 lb

>reformist jews are overwhelmingly progressive.

This "progressive" label is a red herring, a made-up label that means nothing. You Jews love word magic, works well to trick the goy. Until we start following your hands (follow the money, the voting, & the laws) and not your mouth (muh subgroups! muh progressivism! muh not-all-Jews! muh racist/anti-semite/paranoid/hate-speech/inbred/trailor trash).


And whatever some small subset of Jews might do different from the overwhelming trend still does not refute our claim that 'there is overwhelming trend.'' You continue to misrepresent our real argument. Why are you against individual criminals being held to account if they can be proven guilty with facts and evidence? Why are you against national sovereignty? This is all we argue for here. We have no beef with any Jew not committing criminal acts or not benefitting from policies that fraudulently disenfranchise other groups. We do, however, believe nations should exist for the purpose of representing and caring for their own people preferential to "the world's people." Jews have Israel. If they wish to enjoy preferential treatment, they can go there. Their practice of enjoying it in other nations as parasites via fraud, while censoring any criticism of their perfidy, however, is being systematically shut down by patriots the world over. Your crying about it is irrelevant. We were asleep, now we're awake, and the number of us waking is snowballing (D5 baby).


You guys need to start thinking about terms of surrender soon, to 'fess up and sit down with patriots to find a workable solution, negotiating your interests in good faith based on your relative bargaining power. Instead you just dig in deeper with the abusive gaslighting, fists gripped so tight around those shekels you don't see you're gonna go down in the Monkey's Paw trap. Again. Your (((chutzpah))) does you in Every. Single. Time.

Anonymous ID: 5e2917 Dec. 16, 2018, 12:30 p.m. No.4337205   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7231


to counter our claim that you ignore the facts & meat of our argument and instead use the logical fallacies of ad hominem, strawman, and emotional appeal:

>zero facts offered

>no counter-argument

>pathologizing of criticism ("triggered")

>name-calling ("low iq")


ty for demonstrating to all anons what lying, manipulative POS's you are.

Anonymous ID: 5e2917 Dec. 16, 2018, 12:46 p.m. No.4337393   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7471



Only this one is noteworthy imo:

>>4336621 New part of Arlington Cemetary called the 'Millennium Project'


This is a perfect candidate for the "Call to Digs" thread

>>4336781 Stone missing from arch of Baal, needs digs

(looks like old thread is gone, perhaps an anon can make a new one)


Ty baker!

Anonymous ID: 5e2917 Dec. 16, 2018, 12:49 p.m. No.4337419   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>4336777 lb

>Maybe a better solution would be to direct anons to post their calls for digs in a Calls to Dig thread?

Perfect, yes. Great idea. (Thank you!)

>Perhaps this is a discussion that needs to take place on /comms/ or elsewhere (and not shit up the bread)

Disagree it's "shitting up bread." /comms/ is baker discussion, and /Meta/ is board admin discussion, but how we manage notables and shills here in General is important to all anons, appropriate for limited discussion in General. I think whether this topic = bread-shitting has to do with degree. Agree that we don't want non-research discussions to devolve into a bread-eating back-and-forth argument of repeating one's points until 100% agreed on. Anons should exercise restraint and discernment here, which we always do (only shills "shit up the bread" with the high-post-count back-and-forth arguing).


Thanks again for baking for us and for the thoughtful contributions to this discussion.

Anonymous ID: 5e2917 Dec. 16, 2018, 12:53 p.m. No.4337471   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7543


Good stuff baker, ty!









Only this one is noteworthy imo:


>>4336621 New part of Arlington Cemetary called the 'Millennium Project'


This is a perfect candidate for the "Call to Digs" thread


>>4336781 Stone missing from arch of Baal, needs digs


(looks like old thread is gone, perhaps an anon can make a new one)


Ty baker!

Anonymous ID: 5e2917 Dec. 16, 2018, 1:05 p.m. No.4337605   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Digging is hard work; when people are screaming at you while you dig…..well, it's really not worth

The results of the digg either reveal something which aids Q/POTUS's gathering of evidence of cabal malfeasance and Q's legitimacy, or they don't. The reward is in helping the movement, not whether anons stroke you or not.

No one's stopping you from DIGGING, but that's not what you're kvetching about. You're PUSHING FOR NOTABLES.

Wanting baker to somehow lend importance to info that anons in-bread haven't yet found. Pushing for notables is shill shit.

So is twisting the argument into saying all you're trying to do is dig and we're somehow stopping you from it.