Anonymous ID: 906594 Dec. 16, 2018, 11:55 a.m. No.4336883   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Who does Emmanuel Macron owe?


President Macron is often presented as a Rothschild Boy. This is true, but secondary. He owes his electoral campaign mostly to Henry Kravis, the boss of one of the world’s largest financial companies, and to NATO – a considerable debt which weighs heavily today on the solution to the Yellow Vests crisis.

Anonymous ID: 906594 Dec. 16, 2018, 12:11 p.m. No.4337009   🗄️.is 🔗kun

After watching some of "Salvation" on Netflix, I have developed a few disturbing suspicions about the state of things in the Space Sector



So I have recently discovered and started binging the show "Salvation" on Netflix. It's actually a pretty phenominal show so far, and I am really enjoying it. However, I think I have developed a few theories atm that are actually kinda scary.


  • Suspicion 1: The ELE (Extinction Level Event) Asteroid on track for Earth. I won't be providing any major spoilers, but the premise of the show is "Asteroids coming at us, and we need a way to stop it". Enter the Gravity Tractor, a small satellite that is supposed to be able to alter the Asteroids trajectory JUST ENOUGH so that it will miss the Earth by a hair (I don't THINK a specific distance is actually stated, but you get the gist). NASA and the Pentagon haven't told the rest of the world yet because well let's be honest, humans don't take world-ending bad news overly well (looting, pillaging, general mayhem….yada yada yada, you get the idea) and they hope that it'll just be one of those "Oh it was coming at us but now it's somehow altered course and we're saved, huzzah" moments, and no one would be the wiser. Sound familiar? Well, as we all HOPEFULLY know by now, the Asteroid OMUAMUA (I think I spelled that right) is/was an asteroid in our Solar System that behaved VERY erratically last year (somehow accelerating itself and making a quick exit from the Solar System). So, enter the tin foil hats and scientific intrigue. The general consensus is that it was either an Alien Probe (or Fragments of one) that utilized a (I think) theoretical technology known as a "Solar Sail" to catch particles from the Sun that would then power an engine and accelerate the "Probe" out of the System. I personally like this explanation, to be honest for the "Finally, proof we're not alone" factor, but that's not the point of this post lol. So the other theory to explain Omumua's behaviour is that it had properties of a Comet and, therefore, had a "Comet's Tail" that typically boosts a Comets speed when it contacts Sun particles (I think that's the explanation. I am no Rocket Scientist, so please don't quote me on that). So, here's the point of the Pre-Amble here: What if, just like in Salvation, Omuamua was on a collision course with the Earth and the U.S.A (or a team of the worlds best scientists) managed to get some sort of Satellite or Tech near/onto Omuamua and managed to change it's trajectory, similar to the idea behind the Gravity Tractor in Salvation? It's just a suspicion and I am MORE THAN LIKELY wrong on this, but it still makes me wonder. Now, onto the second Suspicion….


  • Suspicion 2: Ok, so this one is a little more realistic and moreso plausible. It's obvious that Darius Tanz is a Musk-A-Like with his own SpaceX-A-Like Tech Company "Tanz Industries". The show starts with him basically holding a lecture at MiT about Mars Colonization and how his company is developing a fleet of Ships to carry colonists to Mars (and the whole "Mars is Humanity's Second Chance/Lifeboat Option") within the next Decade. At one point, early on, Darius even states that they now need to accelerate development of the Ship(s), select which people will board it and journey to Mars and rebuild Human Civilization there. Now, this could all obviously just be plain old inference, however RECENTLY, Musk announced that SpaceX is now focusing their Development Efforts exclusively on developing the BFS (I think that's what they call it now), otherwise known as the Big Falcon Starship, and accelerating their plan to go to Mars within the next decade to establish a Colony. So, this second suspicion is what if theres something coming, that the regular plebeian masses don't know about, and the big companies and governments are now just working to save their own hides now? Also, take into account that Season 1 takes place in 2017 (probably filmed in 2016) and Musk made his announcement only a few months ago, here in 2018.


Again, I know it sounds like a lot of inference, and I really doubt that I am even remotely right on either theory, but still, it's scary to think about.

Anonymous ID: 906594 Dec. 16, 2018, 12:14 p.m. No.4337057   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7593

Walls Work




DHS is committed to building a wall at our southern border and building a wall quickly. Under this President, we are building a new wall for the first time in a decade that is 30-feet high to prevent illegal entry and drug smuggling.


FACT: Prior to President Trump taking office, we have never built a border wall that high.


Once funding was provided, DHS began construction of a border wall quickly, in some locations in as little as nine months from funding to building – a process that commonly takes two years or more in other parts of Government. By the end of FY 2019, DHS expects to have construction completed or underway for more than 120 miles in the areas it’s most needed by the U.S. Border Patrol. The pace of construction has picked up as initial limiting factors like land acquisition and funding have been addressed.


In FY 2017 Congress provided DHS $292 million to build 40 miles of a steel bollard wall in the San Diego, El Centro and El Paso Sectors – Border Patrol’s highest priority locations – in place of an outdated and operationally ineffective barrier. DHS received its FY17 funding for border wall construction in May 2017. DHS awarded the first contract against that funding in November 2017 and began construction three months later in February 2018. As of November 21, 2018, CBP has constructed more than 31 of the 40 miles with the remaining 9 miles scheduled for completion by early 2019.


El Centro Project (2.25 miles): Completed.

El Paso Project (20 miles): Completed

San Diego Primary Project (14 miles): Completion anticipated in May 2019.

El Paso Project (4 miles): Construction started in September.


How effective is this new border wall? On Sunday, when a violent mob of 1,000 people stormed our Southern border, we found the newly constructed portions of the wall to be very effective. In the area of the breach, a group of people tore a hole in the old landing mat fence constructed decades ago and pushed across the border. U.S. Border Patrol agents who responded to the area ultimately dispersed the crowd, which had become assaultive, and apprehended several individuals. All of the individuals were either apprehended or retreated into Mexico. That evening, the fence was repaired. There were no breaches along the newly constructed border wall areas.


In FY18, Congress provided $1.375B for border wall construction which equates to approximately 84 miles of border wall in multiple locations across the Southwest border, including:


$251M for a secondary border wall in the San Diego Sector

$445M to construct a new levee wall system in the Rio Grande Valley Sector

$196M to construct a new steel bollard wall system in Rio Grande Valley Sector

$445M for a primary pedestrian wall in San Diego, El Centro, Yuma and Tucson Sectors

What’s next you might ask? When combined with the funds provided in FY 2017 and FY 2018, if funded at $5B in FY 2019 DHS expects to construct more than 330 miles of border wall in the U.S. Border Patrol’s highest priority locations across the Southwest border.


DHS is positioned to construct 215 miles of Border Patrol’s highest priority border wall miles including:


~5 miles in San Diego Sector in California

~14 miles in El Centro Sector in California

~27 miles in Yuma Sector in Arizona

~9 miles in El Paso Sector in New Mexico

~55 miles in Laredo Sector in Texas

~104 miles in Rio Grande Valley Sector in Texas

The Bottom Line: Walls Work. When it comes to stopping drugs and illegal aliens from crossing our borders, border walls have proven to be extremely effective. Border security relies on a combination of border infrastructure, technology, personnel and partnerships with law enforcement at the state, local, tribal, and federal level. For example, when we installed a border wall in the Yuma Sector, we have seen border apprehensions decrease by 90 percent. In San Diego, we saw on Sunday that dilapidated, decades-old barriers are not sufficient for today’s threat and need to be removed so new – up to 30 foot wall sections can be completed.

Anonymous ID: 906594 Dec. 16, 2018, 12:28 p.m. No.4337191   🗄️.is 🔗kun

2018’s brightest comet is closest Sunday


Comet 46P/Wirtanen is making one of the 10 closest comet flybys of Earth in 70 years today.

Anonymous ID: 906594 Dec. 16, 2018, 12:31 p.m. No.4337225   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7246 >>7430 >>7633

The National Infrastructure Advisory Council just released this report. The council says Electric grid ‘prime target’ of terrorists and Americans are being urged to prepare for the up to six months without electricity, transportation, fuel, money, and healthcare. EMP worries? PDF warning.