Anonymous ID: ffc24c Dec. 16, 2018, noon No.4336922   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6970



>>4336085 Dr. Gerald Lee Gamache headstone - French Royals - Star of David - only one with No wreath.

>>4336101 Mueller Took Down Strzok’s 302 Report AFTER STRZOK WAS CAUGHT in Text Messages PLOTTING AGAINST TRUMP

>>4336106 "No Wall In Any Form": Govt Shutdown Odds Explode Amid Trump-Schumer Standoff

>>4336125 Water cannon, firecrackers as thousands rally against UN migration pact in Brussels

>>4336153 Iranian general kills himself accidentally

>>4336178 Netanyahu's scandal-ridden son defends Facebook post suggesting all Muslims should leave Israel

>>4336193 Former FBI Supervisory Special Agent: Mueller and McCabe Use Unethical and Coercive Tactics

>>4336111, >>4336198, >>4336367 The Keystone

>>4336265 Schools Ordered to Teach Eight-Year-Olds That ‘Boys Can Have Periods Too’

>>4336266 Michael Douglas McNeil (31, Jacksonville) has pleaded guilty PEDO

>>4336326 Israeli Defense Forces Claim They Found 4th ‘Hezbollah Attack Tunnel’

>>4336505, >>4336518 Fiona Barnett Alice in Wonderland & Wizard of Oz, MK Ultra

>>4336621 New part of Arlington Cemetary called the 'Millennium Project'

>>4336656 OLD GUARD graphic

>>4336781 Stone missing from arch of Baal, needs digs

Anonymous ID: ffc24c Dec. 16, 2018, 12:04 p.m. No.4336955   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Republican Never-Trump Women’s PAC is Funded By Three Democrat Billionaires


A “Republican” Never-Trump PAC for women is funded by three Democrat billionaires — two of which are men.


Republican Women for Progress is founded by Jennifer Lim and Meghan Milloy — anti-Trump women who have previously made headlines for starting a group called “Republican Women for Hillary” and opposing the Supreme Court nomination of Justice Brett Kavanaugh.


According to a report from the Washington Free Beacon, Federal Election Commission filings show that the PAC is being bankrolled by a $200,000 donation from Kathryn Murdoch, the liberal daughter-in-law of media mogul Rupert Murdoch, a $400,000 donation from Daniel Tierney, the president of Wicklow Capital and major Democratic Party donor, and a $400,000 donation from Democrat Reid Hoffman, the co-founder of LinkedIn.


“Despite Lim’s claim that they were supported by donors across the political spectrum, the PAC does not show any Republican contributors after Reid’s initial donation,” the Free Beacon reports.


When asked about the fact that they are currently funded by a single liberal male donor, Lim told the Free Beacon that they have “support” from “across the ideological spectrum.


“In terms of the Reid Hoffman donation, even a male tech billionaire and major Democratic donor recognizes the important role women should play in the Republican party,” Lim said. “We are pleased to have the support of donors across the ideological spectrum to ensure the voice of republican women is heard across the country.”


The organization did not respond to questions from the Free Beacon about the fact that all of their donors are Democrats.

Anonymous ID: ffc24c Dec. 16, 2018, 12:05 p.m. No.4336962   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Military Situation In Yemen On December 18, 2018 (Map Update)


This map provides a general look at the current military situation in Yemen. It sees that the ceasefire agreement reached by the warring parties in Sweden has resulted in no progress in the peace process so far.

Anonymous ID: ffc24c Dec. 16, 2018, 12:08 p.m. No.4336977   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7079

"They Used Us For Crisis PR" - Facebook's Factcheckers Are In Open Revolt


A group of former and current factcheckers hired by Facebook to flag false news have come forward to say they've "lost trust" in the social media giant after it did little to actually crack down on fake news. “They’ve essentially used us for crisis PR,” Brooke Binkowski, a former editor at Snopes, which partnered with Facebook for two years, told The Guardian. Another journalist said, “We were just collateral damage” — at a time during and after the 2016 presidential election when "fake news" was a front and center topic in national debate.


Not only has Facebook ignored the expertise of the very factcheckers it hired, but those interviewed for the explosive Guardian report point to the hypocrisy of Facebook executives over the recent Soros scandal, wherein the company admitted to paying a Republican PR firm to cast liberal critics as operatives for liberal financier George Soros, following a shocking exposé in a Nov. 14 New York Times report which shed light on a wide scope of questionable damage control techniques employed by the social media giant in the wake of several scandals. Essentially Facebook's crisis PR firm pushed a Soros conspiracy in order to smear critics in a bizarre fake news planting false flag scenario likely personally ordered by chief operating officer Sheryl Sandberg herself.


Sanberg had also come under controversy within Facebook's employee ranks after ordering an investigation into whether the billionaire activist had been shorting the company's stock while calling it a "menace to society" in a blistering speech that same month at the World Economic Forum. Citing these scandals and general apathy for actually implementing factcheckers' expertise journalists working in coordination with Facebook are now pushing to end the controversial media partnership which involves established media as well as factchecking outlets outlets like the Associated Press, PolitiFact,, ABC News, and Snopes acting in tandem with Facebook to flag fake or questionable news.


Concerning the revelations over the Soros conspiracy smear campaign Facebook recently admitted to, The Guardian report found that was a major tipping point for the factcheckers:


"Some said Facebook’s hiring of a PR firm that used an antisemitic narrative to discredit critics – fueling the same kind of propaganda factcheckers regularly debunk – should be a deal-breaker."

Anonymous ID: ffc24c Dec. 16, 2018, 12:23 p.m. No.4337140   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7213 >>7446 >>7558



President al-Assad receives President of Sudan, discusses with him developments in Syria and region

During the talks, President al-Assad and President al-Bashir affirmed that the circumstances and crises affecting several Arab countries require finding new approaches for Arab action that are based on respecting the sovereignty of states and non-interference in their internal affairs, which should improve inter-Arab relations and serve the interests of the Arab people.


Turkey says would work with Syria's Assad if he won 'democratic election'

Asked whether Turkey would consider working with Assad, Cavusoglu said there must first be an election in Syria and “if it is a democratic and credible one, then everybody should consider that [working with Assad].”

“It has to be very credible, transparent, democratic and fair elections. At the end, Syrian people should decide who is going to rule the country after the elections,” Cavusoglu added.


Car Bomb Explosion Rocks Center Of Afrin City, Casualties Reported

No group has claimed responsibility for the attack yet. However, Syrian opposition sources are already accusing the People’s Protection Units (YPG). The Kurdish group is not known for carrying out such random attacks.

The Turkish military and its proxies imposed their control of Afrin earlier this year following a rapid attack. Most YPG fighters were forced to withdraw to few villages in the southern Afrin countryside and to the Kurdish-held areas in northeastern Syria.

The new attack comes amid high tension between Kurdish forces and Ankara, which vowed to launch an attack in northeastern Syria within a few days.


Map Update: Turkish Air Force Pounds PKK Targets In Northern Iraq Amid Preprations For Attack On Kurdish Forces In Northern Syria

The Turkish military continues to pressure the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) and the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) in northern Syria and Iraq.




Senior YPG Commander Accuses Russia Of Supporting Planned Turkish Attack On Northeastern Syria

UPDATE: Polat Can deleted his twitter account (source) after his statements had been widely circulated in the media.

Polat Can, head of the information center of the of the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG), said that Russia is “encouraging” and ”pushing” Turkey to launch a military operation in northeastern Syria.

“The Russians froze the campaign on Idlib in exchange for Turkey’s pledge to fight the Kurds in Manbaj and East Euphrates. The Russian did it in Afrin and they want to repeat the same scenario again,” Polat said on Twitter on December 16.

The YPG’s commander went on to accuse Russia of using the remaining ISIS and Free Syrian Army (FSA) fighters to take revenge on the Kurds, create problems for the US-led coalition and distance Turkey from the West.

Polat added that Russia wants to “turn the Kurds into a common enemy of all.”


The ISIS Massacre in Sweida: A Story of Torment and Resilience for an Uninterested World

“Imagine that this were your village, or your neighborhood! Imagine that one of those were your house! Imagine that the same thing happened to you! Imagine that you lost a family member, or maybe two, or maybe more! Imagine that your mother, sister, daughter or son is still kidnapped and now in the hands of … ISIS!” — Syrian Wissam Sliman

Interesting read use link


17 civilians killed in US-led international coalition’s airstrikes in Deir Ezzor

17 civilians were martyred in a new massacre committed by the US-led international coalition on Hajin town in Deir Ezzor countryside under the pretext of fighting Daesh (ISIS) terrorist organization.

Civil sources told SANA that warplanes of the US-led international coalition shelled on Sunday the locals’ houses in al-Bou Khatir village to the southeast of Hajin town in Deir Ezzor southeastern countryside, claiming the lives of 17 civilians , among them women and children , and causing material damage to houses and properties.

Anonymous ID: ffc24c Dec. 16, 2018, 12:29 p.m. No.4337196   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Military Situation In Afghanistan On December 16, 2018 (Map Update)


This map provides a general look at the military situation in Afghanistan on December 16.

Anonymous ID: ffc24c Dec. 16, 2018, 12:31 p.m. No.4337212   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Joy Reid and Guest Fantasize About Ivanka Being Arrested: ‘Only way We’re Really Going to Get to Trump is If You Go After His Kids’ (VIDEO)


MSNBC host Joy Reid and her guest Elie Mystal spent a segment fantasizing about Ivanka Trump being in the “crosshairs” and openly scheming about how the best way to “get” President Donald Trump would be to go after his children.


The sinister conversation, in which they urged the left to put the mother and wife “in their crosshairs” occurred on Saturday’s show.


“This is the first time that we have Ivanka . . . in the crosshairs . . . The only way we’re really going to get to Trump is if you go after his kids . . . And this [going after Ivanka] could be the way to do it,” Mystal opined with Reid’s full agreement.


Mystal believes that the First Daughter could be in trouble over the price of rooms at Trump International Hotel for inaugural committee members.


Partial transcript:


ELIE MYSTAL: Do you remember in ‘The Firm,’ how Tom Cruise brings down the entire mob on overbilling? In these reports, what we have is Ivanka Trump, as part of the Trump organization, overbilling the inaugural committee. That could be it right there. What we now have — this is the first time — look, we’ve talked a lot about Don Jr., we know now he was at the Trump Tower meeting, we talked a lot about Eric, because he seems to be Fredo.


This is the first time that we have Ivanka—which is like the only kid he likes—in the crosshairs.She apparently, according to these reports, was involved with overcharging the inaugural committee, and somebody had to tell her: this is going to look bad when we get audited. For a long time I thought that the only way we are really going to get to Trump is if you go after his kids. If you put the kids in legal peril, that’s the only thing that’s going to shock him out of his lying, deceitful, cocoon. And this could be the way to do it.


. . .


JOY REID: There is this finding that people — we’re going to talk about this later in the show — that you can’t indict a sitting President. But it doesn’t say anything about a sitting President’s daughter.

Anonymous ID: ffc24c Dec. 16, 2018, 12:37 p.m. No.4337281   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Global Cooperation 'Under Fire' Due to Lack of Trust - UN Secretary-General


The world is facing unprecedented challenges which cannot be solved by a single state on its own, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said, drawing special attention to the problem of trust lacking between people and authorities, as well as states on the global stage.


"The international cooperation is under fire. This is the ultimate paradox of today's world… I believe that behind this paradox there is a huge deficit of trust… Our world is suffering from the bad case of trust deficit disorder. It is a deficit at many levels: trust between people and political institutions, trust among countries, trust in international organizations, namely the United Nations itself," the UN Secretary-General Guterres said on Sunday during the keynote address at the Doha Forum adding that many attempted to benefit from that problem.


He also stressed that the world needed global responses to global challenges more than ever, and the problems couldn't be tackled by a single country independently.


"We face enormous challenges that cannot be solved by any country on its own. Climate change, the defining challenge of our time, migration and refugees, people on the move everywhere, the multiplication of conflicts that are increasingly interlinked and which itself is linked to newer threats of global terrorism and international criminality," Guterres said on the sidelines of the forum.


In addition, the top UN official stressed that the multilateralism and multipolar society alone did not guarantee peace in the world.


"Europe was multipolar 100 years ago. But the frameworks for international cooperation and problem-solving were not there. There were no multilateral institutions in Europe of the pre-WWI and the result was a catastrophic WWI," Guterres indicated.


The UN secretary-general laid special emphasis on preventative measures stating that, given the number of global problems jeopardizing the world's peace and security architecture, the "capacity to prevent" was more important than ever.


The two-day Doha Forum — a global platform for dialogue that brings together leaders in policy from around the world — concluded in the Qatari capital earlier on Sunday. A number of world's prominent politicians and ministers, including Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, Japanese Prime Minister Taro Kono and Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu took part in the event.

Anonymous ID: ffc24c Dec. 16, 2018, 12:42 p.m. No.4337341   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The Global Swamp


Donald Trump should export MAGA caps to Macron’s France and May’s England.

Anonymous ID: ffc24c Dec. 16, 2018, 12:46 p.m. No.4337394   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trump goes on offense against investigations after tough week


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President Trump on Sunday went on offense after a week that saw potential legal woes piling up against him.


The special counsel's investigation and the FBI's handling of cases concerning him were on the president's mind, as well as "Saturday Night Live" and several other issues, as Trump spent a rainy morning in Washington, D.C., sending a string of tweets.


Trump began the morning by raising the prospect of challenging the satirical NBC show in court, then revived his attacks on the FBI by blaming the bureau for causing his former attorney, Michael Cohen, to speak out against him.


The president went on to address the case of a Green Beret charged with murder, and capped off his morning by defending the policy of separating children from their families at the border.


The president had no public events scheduled for Sunday. The White House indicated shortly before 10 a.m. that there would be no added events, according to a pool report.


Trump has in the past filled similarly blank itineraries by lashing out on Twitter, but Sunday’s six-tweet outburst came at the conclusion of a particularly volatile week for the president.


In the past seven days, Trump had multiple candidates withdraw from consideration to be his chief of staff; publicly fought with Democrats about border security funding and vowed to own a government shutdown; watched his longtime personal attorney, Michael Cohen, receive a three-year prison sentence in part for crimes he said he committed at Trump’s direction; and the president’s inauguration committee reportedly became the subject of a criminal investigation.


In his first tweet of the morning, Trump declared that a "real scandal" was the coverage he received on NBC and "Saturday Night Live." The comedy show opened its broadcast the previous night with a sketch depicting Trump's life had he not been elected president.


"It is all nothing less than unfair news coverage and Dem commercials," Trump tweeted. "Should be tested in courts, can’t be legal? Only defame & belittle!"


The president, who has claimed he does not watch "SNL," has commented on the show multiple times on Twitter in recent months. Sunday marked the first time he questioned the legality of its mockery, though satirical speech is protected by the First Amendment.


Trump then turned his attention to the FBI.


The president alleged the bureau "broke into" Cohen's office, and claimed the raid caused his longtime associate to turn against him.


"Remember, Michael Cohen only became a 'Rat' after the FBI did something which was absolutely unthinkable & unheard of until the Witch Hunt was illegally started. They BROKE INTO AN ATTORNEY’S OFFICE!" Trump wrote on Twitter.

Anonymous ID: ffc24c Dec. 16, 2018, 12:53 p.m. No.4337466   🗄️.is 🔗kun

British doctor, 70, is jailed for five years for paying girls as young as nine to have 'unlimited sex' in Cambodia home where he stashed Barbie dolls next to condoms and lubricant


Clive Cressy paid up to $3,000 to have sex with girls aged between nine and 13

His Vietnamese wife Chea Sokthy, 27, helped him procure the young victims

Both were jailed for five years in Phnom Penh yesterday and will be deported


A British doctor who paid for sex with girls as young as nine has been jailed for five years in Cambodia.


Clive Cressy, 70, was found with a sickening suitcase full of Barbie dolls, tiny dresses and girls' shoes, mixed in his collection with condoms and lubricant.


The physician was arrested at his apartment in Cambodia's capital Phnom Penh along with his Vietnamese wife, 27, who procured vulnerable youngsters for him.


He was found guilty at a court in the city yesterday, where prosecutors said he had paid up to $3,000 (£2,400) to his victims to have 'unlimited sex' whenever he wanted.

Anonymous ID: ffc24c Dec. 16, 2018, 1:04 p.m. No.4337592   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I don't give a shit who is funding this project. What Anon's like me who have been here since the get go know is we have a global voice via this platform and can help steer the narrative to one of peace and prosperity not the death and misery TPTB want for us.