Compare this Georgian script and Arabic one.
I would say that the metal is inscribed in Arabic
Diggers win the race
Compare this Georgian script and Arabic one.
I would say that the metal is inscribed in Arabic
Diggers win the race
Black Eye
Is a power grid security system
That turns an outage
From a body blow like what happened in 2003
To a black eye
When you take a body blow
You can't keep fighting
But with a black eye
You can continue to land just as many punches
Just as hard as before.
It's a metaphoric name
For a classified security system
That restricts the cascading failure of a powergrid failue
To a small localised area.
Thus the name black eye.
On a night-time satellite photo
It will look like a small black eye circle
On the seas of blazing light in the rest of the country.
The Cabal had planned for the next outage to be far worse than the test in 2003
But patriots have countered the Cabal actions.
Notice cupid with the swan?
Do you know why Leda is naked with a swan?
Swans have a penis as do many other birds/dinosaurs.