>>4337539 lb
The govt belongs to the People, you fucking brainwashed idiot. Go read a book, moron.
>>4337522 lb
So who you fucking complaining to, the President and Attorney General? Fucking do something, or you'll lose bigly.
Agree. Some Anons will tell you, however, that losing is winning. I'm finding 2018 a modest improvement over '17, but certainly not glorious.
If what Strzok, Comey, Clinton et al. did was clearly illegal, why THE FUCK arent they in jail??!!
Sure, after the 1-year marker, 11/11, declas yada yada yada
In France, it symbolizes the Holy Trinity.
Excuses do nothing.
100% POTUS's fault. Q only makes internet posts.
Millions flock to Bourne movies and find them believable, yet these same people cant handle the truth.
Excuses and a CROCK OF SHIT.
Everybody makes mistakes. It's how you recover that makes the difference, and it's never too late.
"Creepy" is merely flirting that's unwelcome. The same behavior, when welcome, is "sexy."
Judge could dismiss the case against Flynn, and find the prosecutors in contempt for failing to produce or even for destroying evidence. A criminal referral, bar assoc. referral, and AG complaint could also be made.
Symbols mean what you think they mean. People commit crimes, not symbols.
I have 30 years in the legal profession, most of which as an attorney, and I know more about the judicial system than youve ever dreamt of. you have no accomplishments, so you think accomplishments are illusory. WRONG! To allow known criminals to roam free is not only a dereliction of duty, it's a miscarriage of justice, quasi-criminal in itself, and a violation of the oath of college. Now go back to community college and youtube.
*oath of office
The Republic was lost before the FRB/IRS. Many think in 1871.
Fox in a Box
It's only creepy if she doesnt grab the cock. Then, it's "hot."
When Q posted that, the board went totally screwy for a couple days. Gee, what a coinkidink brotherns.
Does he mean the Doritos/Pepsi 5-hour Consumer Bowl?
Admiral Byrd's Secret Journal seems to be the only account of the South Pole, indicating that the earth is hollow and long-inhabited.
I think there would be a hearing on an order to show cause re dismissal before severe sanctions would be imposed. After that, the lid is off.
/They/ will attempt that unless Trump unleashes the Kraken in January.
Because Clinton, Soetero and the Bushes are like different fingers of the same crime family. Duh.
They're known and proven criminals, they just havent been charged with their crimes, AS THEY SHOULD BE if the DOJ was effectively doing its job.
I just saw some of my now-embarrassing fb posts from 1 year ago when I was predicting Schiffty et al would be locked up soon. The AWAN case was supposed to lock up many demoncrats. Nope.
Declass 2022 Bro. Wait for itโฆ..