JFK Jr What are the odds idiot. im so tired of your logic and your stupid what are the odds
Odds of a flipped question/answer (mirror):____
highlighted are some of the others
almost all the questions answered were replies to post 4280189
JFK Jr What are the odds idiot. im so tired of your logic and your stupid what are the odds
Odds of a flipped question/answer (mirror):____
highlighted are some of the others
almost all the questions answered were replies to post 4280189
full graphic
Odds of a flipped question/answer (mirror):____
the pic related are all the questions that were replies to post 4380189
spamanon ?
you ask your JFK jr question(s) AFTER Q already answered NO to another anon who asked the JFK jr question?
what are the odds?
did you see the no answer and go to the yes answer ? what are the odds ? was this premeditated ? what are the odds ? Q completely ignored you and your 23cc ID and answered another anon instead? what are the odds? your ID was so cool too!!! bummer!!!
Ebots ID was cooler btw
many keks
mispellings/corrections tweet today - 8 minutes between first and correction
just gonna have to leave that one on Q
cant say coincidence in this echo chamber so yes
give spamanon a point. ill not contest.