The "Stan" in STANDARD Hotel is a short form of "Satan".
So it's Satan's Hotel.
The "Stan" in STANDARD Hotel is a short form of "Satan".
So it's Satan's Hotel.
It will also be important for patriots to organize their own political parties now that the Dem Party is disappearing into the trash bin of history.
There is a danger in leaving the GOP as the only major party standing because Trump can't lead it forever and we don't want to go down the road of being a one-party state. Just ask the Laotians, Angolans, Cubans, Norks…
So much the better. We can see that a big political vacuum is going to develop over the next 24 months. Patriots have to fill it bc if they don't, evil people will.
I can see 5 or 6 new parties emerging, each focused on a specific issue. Examples:
The Breakthrough Technology Party (revolutionary energy/transportation/medical tech)
Ad Astra Party (Ad Astra = To the Stars → a party dedicated to space exploration/colonization)
Sanitas Party (focused on organic agriculture, eliminating EM pollution, cleaning up vaccines…)
Intellectus Party (focused on education, getting socialist and Deweyesque principles out of schools)
The point of having multiple parties would no longer be to divide along liberal/conservative lines, but to emphasize and specialize in different sorts of political initiatives.
We probably want to go in the direction of a genuine multi-party system that can form coalition governments, rather than continue the old two-party system.
The only reason we got a two-party system before was that two parties allowed the cabal the easiest and cheapest way of creating the illusion of meaningful choice. Let's not make that mistake again.
I'm open to the idea of a "no-party system" but one challenge to overcome is how to prevent it from becoming a de facto one-party state. There will always be a group of people who seek to pervert the system for totalitarian ends so whatever political system comes out of the Great Awakening will have to innoculate itself as well as possible against those forces.
Your post reminds me of conversations that got quite well-developed in the exopolitics community several years ago.
The subject in vogue then was: When governments finally disclose the extraterrestrial presence (both current and historical), how do we quickly bring history teachers up to speed so that history courses in schools no longer ignore the rather large role that ET affairs have played in human history?
There were all sorts of proposals at that time for seminars, workshops, textbook re-writing projects…. I can see certain aspects of that process getting applied to many areas of society in the Great Awakening.
My first thought was that some black hats planned to spread a pathogen nationwide in the UK by putting it in a KFC food item (could be bread, chicken, tomato sauce…). But that white hats uncovered the plot and shut down the restaurants before anyone could get hurt.
Thanks. I wonder if Ginsburg was involved.