fixed an annoying picture
yep normies are waking up. just like was already posted…. we have to change the narrative. Just like was posted earlier today… we have to get Hillary on something that no one expects us to get her on. Like the murder of Vincent Foster. Then the social justice assholes will fuck off because we're not getting her on the "obvious" stuff.
It's "just theater" to them.
I'm sure you already know about the "Russian" remote controlled nuclear submarine….. along with the other rumors of hunting a remote controlled nuclear submarine that's hunting the USS Abraham Lincoln…. wouldn't hurt much if NYC went into the sea at this point.
Combine this document with the US MIL GEN who stated that Guantnamo is now open for business yesterday morning, the padded cells must be completed by 3/31/18, but started no sooner than 2/28/2018 we're getting more of a timeline when all this shit will start going down.
already posted: