Quick thoughts in the face of Q going dark.
There are several that were on Twitter who have gone dark as well.
Those on twitter certainly knew something.
They all bid farewell to everyone which was very interesting.
Why are they all exiting off Twitter at the same time?
I just from early this morning MarineAnon also bid farewell to this board.
MarineAnon then says that 2018 will be Glorious.
How doe all of this connect right now?
What is about to happen?
Remember; Trump orders release of JFK files, then completely pulls back the majority of the files?
What info did these files contain/talk about?
It's possible the files contained info of the Deep State and cabal.
If true, Trump and team then quickly pulled back the rest of the JFK files.
They didn't want the DeppState to know, "they know everything."
The future proved the JFK past.
That's why Q keeps referencing JFK.
That's why Q's last statement made on JFK was, "RIP JFK - we will succeed."
See here:
Feb 16 2018 20:05:17
Clown Agency>No Such Agency.
RIP JFK - we will succeed.
Pyramid will collapse.
Think shell.
Whether we will see the action being taken or not in public…
It would seem that something is about to take place really soon.