Anonymous ID: 60ad42 Dec. 16, 2018, 5:03 p.m. No.4340285   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>did you post this?


>It's awesome, I never knew he was portrayed that way in so many things. fucking nuts!


Yeah. Apophenia Productions.

The thing is, if everything is connected then you can make all kinds of leaps across things on this board. You may have seen the posts, I saw a 'Q' in a window so 'Q' must be talking to me…. However, if you don't think that anything is connected that would make you an idiot as well. So, if you were working on your abilities to perceive connections and connect the dots you would have to start from the premise that it is all connected and then tune your radar so to speak to remove all the white noise. Make sense?


>Any mind control or mass consciousness stuff is magick. Whether your favorite sitcom or mass trauma/terrorism

Agree. We all make spells and memes all the time, some are better and more organised at it.


>NLP? neural linguistic programming?

Yes. Richard Bandler basically modeled the hypnosis of Milton H. Erickson. You'll find lots on the t'internet about it. Erickson was the source of a lot of crazy things like Nxium, The Game, pick up scene from a few years ago. Derren Brown uses a lot of NLP techniques as well. I've not gone down the mesmer rabbit hole yet but I wouldn't be surprised if that is another important node in this adventure.


Final little clue. Most of MK Ultra was invented before WW2. The Nazi's were a great scapegoat to blame anything on but submersion therapy was invented by Tavistock in London after WW1 to try and help with shell shock.