Anonymous ID: 68fec4 Dec. 16, 2018, 5 p.m. No.4340246   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0258 >>0301 >>0313 >>0474

>>4312234 >>4312334 is Trump ID # 1fc218

Research and find out.

Baker you are falling down/sleeping on the job or seriously compromised. I'm beginning to think the latter. How the Hell did you miss this and not put it in the notables, which most of us who do not live on this board read to catch up.

Why are we here? To get info to help redpill as many as we can.

Why do shills paster this board with garbage

Why are Ebots on here?

To spread disinfo so the masses will not believe us, thry will call us crazy, stupid, moron, misinformed. Trump's a TRAITOR and Cohen/Mueller are going to take him down

Whst do Q say about plants in the campaign and Trump Admin?

Manafort was a plant, Carter Page was a plant. Flynn was aware of many plants in Trump Admin, that's why they needed him gone.

Q told us "Who knows where the bodies are buried? General Mike Flynn whom Hussein hated, if BHO hated him, that means he's a PATRIOT

Why hasn't Flynn been sentenced?

Because Judge Sullivan assumed the case after Costeras has to RECUSE himself (Why?)

Sullivan knows Mueller, Weinstein, Strozk, Comey etc….set Flynn up because Flynn had to be silenced, that's why the court gagged him and everyone else with charges against them. This is how Mafia Bosses like Mueller do business, they threaten the family yo get at the FATHER.

Q. >>4092334

Mueller will face charges re: U1

He's working to save himself.

Q posts. 330, 331…

Wake The F up! You're missing seriously good info that needs to be in the notables.

Have you guys read some of the garbage that makes the notables, talk about a Waste Of Time! I think we have compromised BAKERS!

Anonymous ID: 68fec4 Dec. 16, 2018, 5:03 p.m. No.4340289   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0292

>>4312234. Baker!!!!!




"Court officials went to extreme measures to ensure it was as difficult as possible to figure out what Mueller's team was doing as the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit held a secret and mysterious argument about a grand jury subpoena challenge.


An entire floor of the courthouse was closed to the public and press for more than an hour. During that time, attorneys secretly entered the courthouse to argue before three federal appellate judges over a grand jury subpoena.


The mystery of the subpoena appeal appears to date back to early September, when CNN witnessed several lawyers from Mueller's office entering a courtroom to argue against an unknown defense team before a trial-level judge who oversees federal grand jury-related cases.


Clearly, a challenge related to Mueller's grand jury investigation was underway.


Shortly after, that judge, Chief Judge Beryl Howell of the DC District Court, ruled on a case related to a grand jury subpoena, and the losing party attempted to appeal the ruling. The appellate court batted the case back down to Howell, who held a second sealed hearing on October 5. Though CNN was locked out of the courtroom while the arguments took place, the hearing featured the same team from Mueller's office as before, which included top criminal law appellate lawyer Michael Dreeben.


Mueller's office declined to comment on the hearings.


That same day Mueller's team clashed in a sealed courtroom with an unknown opponent, Howell issued another ruling on the same grand jury subpoena challenge she had decided before, sending the losing party back to the appellate court to ask for reconsideration.


Politico a few days later overheard an attorney at the appellate court discussing sealed Mueller court filings – and the mysterious grand jury challenge got its argument date set before a three-judge panel at the DC Circuit Court of Appeals.


Argument day arrived Friday.


Typically, DC Circuit Court arguments run smoothly, one after another until three cases have been argued publicly, starting at 9:30 am in a large, portrait-lined courtroom on the Fifth Floor of the federal courthouse on Constitution Avenue. But after Circuit judges David Tatel, Thomas Griffith and Stephen William – who coincidentally has written two books on Russian history – heard an immigration-related case Friday morning, the courthouse security went into lockdown mode.


Tatel, Griffith and Williams took a brief recess, indicating they'd return to the courtroom shortly.


Then, security officers cleared the appeals courtroom, allowing only about a dozen law clerks working for federal judges to stay behind, including at least one who assists Howell with her cases.


Security guards also cleared the vestibule to the courtroom and checked the coat closet where attorneys coming to listen to arguments stash their belongings. They locked the door leading to the attorneys' lounge on that floor and shooed the more than 20 reporters prowling the hall away from the elevator bank and told them to vacate the nearby stairwells. At one point, even an elevator wouldn't open its doors on the fifth floor.


The entire level of the building on which the appeals court is housed was locked down."–politics/entire-floor-federal-courthouse-sealed-off-for-mystery-case/JyerATnO5wL4gJKcS6nVJP/

Anonymous ID: 68fec4 Dec. 16, 2018, 5:10 p.m. No.4340381   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Not at all Anon, these are not my digs, they are another Anon's. That's what I am saying. I only found them because I was hyper-running the threads.


Not a FAME Whatever, just a concerned Anon.