Anonymous ID: 2df857 Dec. 16, 2018, 6:53 p.m. No.4341471   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1491

>>4340136 (ALL PB)

>>4340323 <----Me neither.

>>4340641 <----KEK!! I did Anon, right above you. Awesome Graphic. Saved!!

>>4340574 <---Give it a shot Anon. See what you come up with.

>>4340612 <---Thank You Anon. I feel like the video I posted, and hopefully the forthcoming ones can hang with that one and just be a piece to consider.

>>4340622 <----KEK!! God I LOVE Night Shift!!






Alright Anons, I went and got some more footage to set the stage. There's NO way my little camera zooms in on a TINY blinking star in the horizon, and records all those BLAZINGLY Colorful Colors and Patterns (It switches colors every 30th of a second at least) when it turns the freaking moon into a shapeless white blob. Right?? Does that add up??


Anyway, setting the stage,