Anonymous ID: b5ce21 Dec. 16, 2018, 5:57 p.m. No.4340921   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0981



Do you actually think that they would allow a civialian (not military) cyber company - "NSO", to sell something to SA if trump didn't approve?

Expand your thinking, SA is ruled by MBS, the cabal string have been cut.

Anonymous ID: b5ce21 Dec. 16, 2018, 5:58 p.m. No.4340942   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0981



oh and you isis isral meme is fake and gay:


>The June 2016 Tel Aviv shooting, which occurred on 8 June 2016 in Tel Aviv, Israel, was a terrorist attack in which two Palestinian gunmen opened fire on patrons at the Max Brenner Cafe in the Sarona Market, killing four people and injuring seven others. The perpetrators were caught alive by the security forces and put in custody. According to an official indictment filed by the Tel Aviv District Prosecutor's Office the perpetrators were inspired by the Islamic State group.

Anonymous ID: b5ce21 Dec. 16, 2018, 6:07 p.m. No.4341035   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1141



I'm not saying they had nothing to do with ISIS. I said that you saying ISIS didn't strike in israel is fake and gay.


>Because of the nature of the product, sales of Pegasus technology are subject to approval by the Defense Ministry’s Defense Export Control Agency.


this corresponds well with what I said. The israeli government had to supervise such a deal/ given that MBS controls SA, this whole deal was probably approved by Pompeo/Trump. Expand your thinking.

Anonymous ID: b5ce21 Dec. 16, 2018, 6:40 p.m. No.4341351   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1383



There was another shooting as well. An israeli arab who pledged allegiance to ISIS opened fire in the middle of tel aviv:


>Tell me…has IDF ever partnered with US forces in the ME or no? I haven't found anything.


They partnered with Egypt, officially allowing them to violate the peace treaty and allowing them to bring heavy armored vehicles to fight ISIS in sinai, also unofficially helping these egyptian forces from the air via airstrikes.

I believe they did a lot more collaborations behind the scenes.

Anonymous ID: b5ce21 Dec. 16, 2018, 6:49 p.m. No.4341430   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1447 >>1470



I did my digs on it and i can read hebrew.


  1. A lot of what is said about the talmud is fake and gay, or subversively (pun intended) missleading: For example, saying it promotes something, when in fact in only discusses the religious legal implications of this something.

It is a religious lawyering book, and there are 2 versions btw - the babylonian and the jerusalem version.


  1. the reformist jews (the vast majority of US progressive jews) don't exactly like or follow the talmud, to say it lightly. They view this book as regressive and primitive.