>>4340550 (pb)
WHEW I'm not the only one troubled by this. The narrative shifts have happened before here and have always been explained away. But the story shift about NSA/CIA and the ease with which people completely flipped has blown my mind. I am betting that once we stop talking about this one…he will start on Assange….you pull a worm from it's hole..very slowly, keeping constant pressure on it…and that is what is happening here right before our eyes.
It's like people completely forgot what Q originally said about NSA/CIA….and Assange…
I'm telling you this shit is getting weird. SNOWDEN is a fucking hero. FUCK the CIA (if indeed anyone got killed…because we don't KNOW that..we only have Q's word for it and you know..trolling is fun…disinfo is necessary)….
Every since I ran BACK into the JOAB shit today my head has been spinning….
whatever it is…we need to demand TRANSPARENCY and find out who is paying for all this shit..and I'm betting you right here and now..we are NOT going to like the answer.
SOMEONE is paying for this…who?
It's odd then isn't it…attacking whistleblowers and leakers while…leaking?
>They'll try just about anything to smear him, as they tried just about anything to smear Assange and others like them.
After the head spinning narrative shift…I agree.
Sum ting wong.
>We all have our heros and will experience cognitive dissonance if they are found to be evil
how has SNOWDEN been found to be evil?
(aside from Q's post?)
Where is the proof anyone died as a result of Snowden's leaks/
DO you or do you not agree with the illegal surveillance the NSA was performing on US citizens?
Out of curiosity I listened to a few more blackpill videos…now I am feeling bad because his analysis of the hearing is what I HEARD…but really didn't speak up….because the moment you do on here you get flooded from all sides SHILL SHILL SHILL…
WHY are we tolerating this bullshit?
What part of these guys started their investigation in 2016 independently..didn't anyone hear? What part of they had to send their findings THREE times didn't you hear? What part of NOVEMBER 2018 didn't you hear?
For a group that asserts they are smarter than everyone else..more informed than everyone else…in reflection…this guy describes the hearings AS I HEARD them…without the hypnotizing effect of Qs promises.
WHO is paying for this? We have the right to KNOW who is paying for this…and..as we know all sides read here and are going to be seeing my post asking WHO is paying for this and the ethical issues I raised about it..fuckingA..why don't any of you so called xians CARE who is paying for this? Lie for me but not for thee? Cheat for me but not for thee?
What if Q is an insider?but not exactly friend..so to speak. WHO the flipping fuck is paying for this?
LISTEN to this video, I CHALLENGE YOU…do you hear what I hear…what I heard and questioned that day…what this guy hears…do you fucking hear it or are you going to toss out all you hear…for the promises of a limited hangout whose information has CLEAR in his own words..trolling is fun…disinformation is necessary…what do YOUR ears tell you?