"these people are sick"
Watch "A serious man" by the Coen Brothers.
The main character has a brother that has a seeping head wound that never heals. This is an esoteric way of saying they are sick. This brother is a genius and discovers some deep secret to the universe but when he uses the knowledge all he does is use it to gamble for money and have sex with under aged goy boys.
The Coens are letting us in on a secret. The Jew is inbred and many are sick or insane in the head.
The main character has a dream that the white man of america will shoot his genius faggot brother dead.
ALSO there is a storm at the end of the movie where the Jews all scurry running for their storm shelter (deep under ground bunker) and it ends with NO one knowing if the Jews make it or not.
Watch the movie. I kid you not. It is about what is happening right now with the StORM.
The Jews should of listened to the words from the mouth of the Goy. The Jew letters on the teeth of the Goy is esoteric for SPEECH. The faggots should listen to the Goy or it is too late for them.