Anonymous ID: d3b0dd Dec. 16, 2018, 9:39 p.m. No.4343149   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3262


>What is screwing up everyone's gut bacteria? Anti-biotics in food?

That in addition to other things, primarily glyphosate (round up weed killer) on crops, but wheat especially.

The "gluten intolerance" thing isn't so much gluten as a reaction to massive increases in round up on our wheat after a new harvest technique called "dessication" began a few years ago.

GMO foods have been modified to tolerate higher levels of pesticides/glyphosate, and to sometimes produce these toxins at the cellular level, therefore we eat more of these poisons. Some can't even be washed off.

Eat only organic, non-GMO anons.

Anonymous ID: d3b0dd Dec. 16, 2018, 10:10 p.m. No.4343408   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3428 >>3439 >>3457


Ty for this man. We don't blame all boomers. We know many of you went against the grain, and ty and tip our hats to you.


>Unfortunately Boomers were the first to be hit by the wave of media (movies/tv/rock/pop).


I talk with my mostly woke boomer mom a lot about this. She also thinks the propaganda of "duck and cover" OMG nukes coming any minute!! did a serious psychological trauma on 'em. From there they were preferentially given bennies while their kids were sold down the river, and it's very hard for a person to see a truth that results in their losing money and status. Yes, many of us can, but boomers had it harder here than Gen X. Gen X got sandwiched the hardest in the disenfranchisement game. Too bad for (((them))) it also set us up to create the chans and our little unlikely rebellion.

Sun Tsu says never corner your enemy. If they don't have a means of retreat, they'll have no choice but to fight to death.

That's what (((they))) did to Gen X.

Anonymous ID: d3b0dd Dec. 16, 2018, 10:20 p.m. No.4343488   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3577


>They controlled EVERYTHING you saw… Not their fault.

Yeah, mom says this a lot. She resisted my bittler redpills a long time, but is starting to see (and get really, really mad kek – no more "but muh anger is unChristian!") but this anon is right too:


>I will only hold them accountable if they deny the truth when it is undeniable.

Many boomers have willfully chosen to turn away from truths that are presented. They lived in the digital age too, it's just that by the time it came, they already had so much invested in the old order (financially and psychologically) that it takes a special soul to "break the conditioning."


>I think there will be a shell-shock period, but that's what frens are for.

Q said we are the frame, we will be the "frens" to all the sleepers when they're awoken more abruptly than they're comfy with.



>As much as it has completely fucked us, the digital age saved Gen X and hence all of us. Tech is being used against the tyrants who sought to control it.


Poetic justice is best justice.

Anonymous ID: d3b0dd Dec. 16, 2018, 10:32 p.m. No.4343581   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3586 >>3593 >>3607 >>3637 >>3670 >>3703





>The boomer shit is a shill tactic.

Sometimes, but not always. Night shift likes to philosophag. I post on boomers and am not shilling. There are two tensions going

on re: boomers here. GenX founded chan culture and populate the chans in the greatest numbers, and the collective shit we've had to deal with ties in a lot to boomerism, a particular brand of consumerist narcissism we'd dealt with a lot. We came to/created the chans to escape it. And then Q came (hooray!) which brought a huge influx of boomers (um…). It isn't division-shilling to discuss real problems in our societies and history. The story of how the baby boomer generation got so fucked by the cabal is a critical piece of that story. What we do here is examine truth unflinchingly. If boomer feels can't handle that, they shouldn't be here.