Anonymous ID: 0b6cea Dec. 16, 2018, 10:58 p.m. No.4343822   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3833


You've been a rockstar, new baker.

Nice job. Ty.


>>4343593 lb, >>4343637 lb

thanks guys (we have the best anons)

>>4343577 lb

>And you Anons. Thank you.

YW fren. We may not be the sweetness-and-light cheerleaders the world wanted, but we just might be the salty, straight-shootin' muthafuckahs they needed, kek.

>>4343670 lb, >>4343703 lb

World-wide, frens. WWG1WGA.

>I can Handle it

No doubt

>>4343690 lb

right? sheesh.



>>4343223 lb

Nice anon, ty for this.

Anonymous ID: 0b6cea Dec. 16, 2018, 11:22 p.m. No.4343983   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3991 >>4011 >>4037 >>4038 >>4114


>Some of you need to really educate yourself instead of using one liners to describe an entire group

>So fuck off with your generational shilling and get to work helping POTUS save this country.

You guys still don't get it. You come into a space created by others, who are glad to have you join to help. All we ask is that you respect the history and culture of who we are and how we do things, because they've been proven to WORK. People who come into someone else's space and try to rearrange the furniture are still stuck in Marxism entitlement. They're in no position to give lectures about "being educated" or not working hard enough.

We call out bullshit, pull no punches. That IS our work.

Q came to /pol/, to the chans, bc of our memes and our educated take on the world. We didn't just find our way here, we created the entire thing. Q pointed you guys here because we had something to teach you, not the other way around.

So YOU fuck off with these petulant feels and demands. STFU and digg/meme/pray without constantly counter-signalling oldfags when they drop wisdom. And if you can't tell the difference btwn oldfag wisdom and shilling, lurk moar


(See QR welcome statement/pic)

Anonymous ID: 0b6cea Dec. 16, 2018, 11:31 p.m. No.4344028   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4064


Agree, good advice.

And they absolutely profile/target bakers too.

Was an infectious-disease scientist for years.

All life is an arms race summed up how pathogens constantly adapt to the host's defenses.

We've had a new roll-out of shill tactics recently.

Anons gonna have to up our game.

We will.

Anonymous ID: 0b6cea Dec. 17, 2018, 12:03 a.m. No.4344155   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4200


>Thanks for snapping me back to attention.

Man, that's how we all get to be comfy in the chans. I'm just paying it forward. It really is boot-camp for the mind. Glad to have you.


>What irks oldfags the most? (not sarcastic) Is it lecturing about bewbs


>or other non-pc stuff?


Or something else? Is it the sudden influx of so many of us that don't know the subtle stuff that's not written down?

Nah. We all made little procedural blunders when we started. Watching newfags find their sea legs is more nostalgia than irritant.

>We are grateful to be here, to have to chance to do this work. I would be grateful for your insights.

Takes a big man to ask that, ty. Hope I don't stir a hornets nest here, but if I could sum it up, the thing that irks us most about newfags is going for the easy, immediate feel. Failing to exercise patience and humility keeps people helpless children, not real men, warriors. It's part of why newfags don't lurk long enough, or understand that notables aren't little league trophies to be handed out to any spit-ball theory, or that not all opinions are equal. Part of how the GenX oldfags of the chans were able to create this space is that patience and humility were forced on us by circumstance. White men have been so disenfranchised and demonized, and GenX'ers were the first to experience it while also having grown up, most of us, without parent involvement ("latchkey kids," "the lost generation"). So we developed a very dark understanding that if we were gonna survive, if we hoped to figure anything out, we'd have to do it ourselves. We were slow to come into our own, but it made us stronger. Eventually our dark understanding became gallows humor, which became dank memes, which – and this still blows my mind – became a lynchpin in a WW Mil Intel counter-coup.

I guess what we want newfags to do is what we put in the welcome statement. Not just cuz we don't wanna be irked, but because these are hard times, and hard times call for hard men. The chans were forged in those fires. We don't want newfags to douse that fire, we want to turn newfags into fire-tested warriors.

Anonymous ID: 0b6cea Dec. 17, 2018, 12:39 a.m. No.4344362   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4515


Awesome, ty graveyard baker.

Handoff confirmed

G'night anons! Stay frosty!


Here's some notes I grabbed at the top of the bread. Use or discard as you will:

>>4343971 Lookback: Jan2018 Stephen Miller I'view w/Tuck (re: Sally Yates)

>>4343867, >>4344041 Bechtel digg add-on (built tunnel under Arlington)

>>4343816 Bloomberg OpEd on UKR's talk of "High Threat" Russians Invade

>>4344121 Tapes of Bill Cosby at Playboy Mansion to be used in civil case