Anonymous ID: 2e9861 Dec. 17, 2018, 12:26 a.m. No.4344268   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Reposting and updating as I think there's significant crumbs hidden in POTUS Tweet counts.


Been looking at POTUS Tweets and think he may have been leaving some crumbs in there for us to find.


Check the number of tweets he has posted each day:


Dec 07: 18 tweets

Dec 08: 12


Dec 09: 4

Dec 10: 4

Dec 11: 11


Dec 12: 3

Dec 13: 12

Dec 14: 10

Dec 15: 5


Dec 16: 11

Dec 17: ?


Now i have listed them in groups do you start to see the patterns forming ?


Dec 07/08 - 18 & 12 tweets:



Reference to 1812 Overture again?, which builds up to a crescending finale of cannon fire!

… Boom, Boom, Boom (Booms Incoming?)


Dec 09/10/11 - 4, 4 and 11 tweets:


4 4 11


The 4 4 makes me think mirror, so if we mirror 11 we get


4 4 11/11 = 4+4+11 / 11 = 19/11:


… 911 (Another significant number .. for them! as Q says)


Dec 12/13/14/15 - 3, 12, 10, 5 tweets


The 10, 5 makes me think countdown .. and what would you know 3 + 12 = 15.


So 15:10:5 which simplifies to 3:2:1


… A countdown again? 3 .. 2 .. 1 .. (Countdown to 11:11 perhaps or 911 ?)


Dec 16 - 11 Tweets

Dec 17 - ?? Tweets


Very interesting to see 11 Tweets today - I am not game to hazard a guess at how many tweets we will get on 17 Dec (Q-day), because I have misread the crumbs before.


All I know is that POTUS will strike only when he is ready and it will give maximum impact.


Certainly interesting though to have references to 1812, 911, 3..2..1 and now 11 coming from his daily tweet counts. Will be interesting anyway to see what tomorrow (Q-day) brings.


Probably just another coincidence - this being a LARP after all :P



But also noticed interesting 911 timestamps on several of his latest tweets …


16 Dec 2018 9:11:52 AM

So where are all the missing Text messages between fired FBI agents Peter S and the lovely Lisa Page, his lover. Just reported that they have been erased and wiped clean. What an outrage as the totally compromised and conflicted Witch Hunt moves ever so slowly forward. Want them!


Hmm should that be Want them! or Want Them?

I got a feeling reading the tweet POTUS might be giving us a big hint (or could that be 19K hints?).


Note timestamp … 9:11:52 AM …. 911 Again!



Dec 10, 2018 09:11:21 PM

James Comey’s behind closed doors testimony reveals that “there was not evidence of Campaign Collusion” with Russia when he left the FBI. In other words, the Witch Hunt is illegal and should never have been started!


Time will tell I guess whether this is simply randomness and confirmation bias as I am sure the shill bots will suggest …


Either way get your popcorn ready and Enjoy the movie!

Interesting Times Ahead!