Anonymous ID: 9cd6b3 Dec. 16, 2018, 11:53 p.m. No.4344113   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4146

#JrSenatorAnon Heralds Legal Revelations for #QResearchers + Advent of the #QMarch?? #QAnon #GreatAwakening #NEONREVOLT

December 17, 2018 by Neon Revolt


I know I said “no new articles” while I write my book, but this was quick to produce. Normally, I can fit a handful of images into shorter Gab posts, but this was too long to squash into Gab. (And let’s face it. Though there have been a slew of #NewQ posts I haven’t covered, they haven’t needed much decoding.


The posts that got me most excited were his “earthquake post” and the post about the Fed – and the post that got me the most skeptical was when #QAnon “confirmed” that the baker was wearing a frog pin… when she was clearly wearing a St. Jude’s pin. Idk if Q didn’t know himself, but it reminded me of the time when he talked about the photoshopped flag as though it were real. Not good, Q!)


But we’re not here to talk about Q today (at least… not yet).


No, we were visiting by another insider, who left some interesting drops worth reviewing.


Essentially, someone calling themselves #JrSenatorAnon landed on /pol/ tonight, and started a Q and A.


/pol/lacks jumped onboard, and after reviewing everything, I would say this was a visit from a legit insider. Obviously, feel free to disagree. This comes with all the standard disclaimers and YMMV.


What follows are all the questions asked by #Anons and which were then answered by #JrSenatorAnon.

Anonymous ID: 9cd6b3 Dec. 17, 2018, 12:31 a.m. No.4344313   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4330 >>4426

What is Primary Water? 1985 Interview with Dr. Stephan Riess Published on 19 Jun 2015


This is a very important interview of the late Dr. Stephan Riess from 1985 about primary water.



Dr. Stephen Riess Last Interview, Sept, 22, 1985

With Dr. Wayne Weber and Ross Frazier

In Escondido, California


The term Primary Water was coined by the late Dr. Stephen Riess, the geophysicist who independently discovered its existence and pioneered its development, beginning in the 1930s until his death in December 1985.


“My discovery was put to a field test by locating and drilling many wells. The records to date from these tests is 70 producing wells out of 72 attempts, all drilled in hard rock, all located in distressed areas generally considered unproductive.” (Dr. Stephen Riess, 1954)


Primary water is a little known renewable resource that originates deep within the earth. When conditions are right, oxygen combines with hydrogen to make new water.

This water is constantly being pushed up toward the surface under great pressure. The water finds its way towards the surface through fissures or faults. Depending on the geology, primary water can be accessed close to the surface, or even flow out as a spring.


Primary water has never been a part of the hydrologic cycle until it finally arrives at the surface. Traditional hydrologic cycle water is finite and volumes fluctuate relative to available rain and snowmelt. Primary water is renewable and plentiful regardless of the weather.


….we’re taking instruction from Dr. Stephen Riess, an eminent earth scientist at his home in Escondido, high on a rock promontory overlooking the valley and showing massive protrusions of granite boulders all around. Stephen Riess is a very controversial scientist and has extensive knowledge worldwide in the finding of water.


Turning to address Dr. Stephen Riess . . . Do you have any immediate finds in Escondido in the last three or four months?

Dr. Riess: Yes we’ve been successful in drilling ….. some very good wells and it happens that both locations are on the highest parts in the county. A thousand feet higher than the pump stations for the water supply from the water resources department. And the cost of pumping it from there, these stations, the river water from Sacramento up into these reservoirs here is $93 an acre foot in power bills and it is poor quality water. So the point now is that this water wells can produce the water for $20 pumping cost instead of $93 to lift it from the pipeline below up to the surface.

Ross Frazier: And with no carrying of silt or anything of that nature.

Dr. Riess: No. It’s clean water.

Ross Frazier: The water here is very pure water, isn’t it?

Dr. Riess: It’s exceptionally good. It’s usually about one-third of the mineral content of the prevailing Colorado River water.

Ross Frazier: This is because you’re extracting primary water from very deep.

Dr. Riess: This is because it is primary water obtained below the crust and is in the non-oxidizing zone.