Anonymous ID: daf87f Dec. 16, 2018, 10:56 p.m. No.4343810   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3825 >>4168

>>4343767 lb


^ check those dank truth memes




I think Qteam made us smart AI bots that listen to us and make memes for us when we speak truth.


I posted this a few mins ago >>4343724 and look at the two replies i got



Anonymous ID: daf87f Dec. 16, 2018, 11 p.m. No.4343836   🗄️.is 🔗kun



well thats even better, that means a real human agrees with me!


Kinda funny, talking about chaos, and the only tattoo I could ever come up with ( that I never got )


was the Chaos Symbol with a heart in the center, and wings coming out each side.

Anonymous ID: daf87f Dec. 16, 2018, 11:11 p.m. No.4343909   🗄️.is 🔗kun



nice timestamp.


Q shouldn't be used for profit, and those that seek to profit from this movement will likely have to deal with Q in person.


I shutter at that thought.



>That is not what they believe and that is what matters




The power of belief is insane. You believe they own you? They will. If you believe they don't, then they have no power over you.


>>4343869 Q0



40,000ft = ~7.5mi

so You mean something a Bottomless Pit?


>probably nothing

You're cute




We will all have one moment to snap our eyes awake, even if you think you're awake but groggy, the covers are going to be ripped off so fast and the light will be so bright you'll fly awake so might even end up in the hospital.


Every Human on the planet will be OK in the End… (((they))) will not have the same fate.

Anonymous ID: daf87f Dec. 16, 2018, 11:38 p.m. No.4344057   🗄️.is 🔗kun



if we should be working to unify anything on this board it should be the different histories and how they 'mirror' each other.


All the different religious periods = Same Quelle/Source


>A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.


The only problems with our "religions" in the NOW is that (((they))) have convinced us they are divided and separate, by adding and changing small pieces in each one.


Remove all but the commononalities, and you have the source code for the religions.

Anonymous ID: daf87f Dec. 16, 2018, 11:45 p.m. No.4344086   🗄️.is 🔗kun



only thing Deep State knows is the noose is getting tighter, the flames are licking up their legs, about to rip through and consume them.




Power to the Autists


They thought they could control us by making us 'retarded'.. Look who's retarded now.

Think about that anons… We could've been MK'd instead of in 8chan.

Anonymous ID: daf87f Dec. 16, 2018, 11:50 p.m. No.4344105   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4348





Contingency plan if HRC lost, Trump took it, then he gets burnt and Pence goes in.


Pretty sure Trump is imbued by God right now. There is no way he is still alive without some divine intervention. He is decimated thousands of years worth of work the Cabal has done to this planet and its people.

Anonymous ID: daf87f Dec. 16, 2018, 11:55 p.m. No.4344123   🗄️.is 🔗kun



the programming runs so deep because its been happening so long, different amounts of exposure etc.


I can't imagine what mind-games the DS are going through.


The last year here, we've thought we knew was was going on the whole time, and "as a whole" we are still clueless.


I think a couple autists are pre-activated though

Anonymous ID: daf87f Dec. 17, 2018, 12:22 a.m. No.4344247   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4259



Alice in Wonderland…


Months ago I was shown a picture very similar to this style. it had glitter/sparkle but it was just a girl's arm.


I didn't understand its relevance at all. I tried to reverse image search it, and the webpage it said it resided on didn't exist yet.


I was completely confused and I've often wondered what that picture was about.


I see now.

Anonymous ID: daf87f Dec. 17, 2018, 12:31 a.m. No.4344311   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4316

Someone sent it to me 6 months ago when I couldn't understand it all.


Now I do. projecting


Part 1


When a flower is born, the world speaks the world (any world) has an infinite connection to source; as do we; just deeper When the moon asserts its force, the waves follow suit. The water, is, and will always be, the most sacred of all material things


To live by the sword…. is to die by the sword; this is true.

So live with the sword, and you will never weaken in resolve Evil as we know it, will always be evil The flower; the counterbalance of nature So see how even evil, can hide in a flower.


The cosmos erupts with life. On earth, life sprouts. perspective, is the greatest gift one can acquire; that, and an adequate knowledge of the relativistic; the paradoxical. When white and black, both hide inside one another, paradox becomes a constant


Do good works, and your reward, will be that of universal restitution Do good works with the intention, of receiving universal restitution, and it will not come Dissolve the ego allow your faults, to guide you to your strengths, this is the way; the hard road, but also like the blossom


Many of us, may not want to live this life; and that, under Gods freewill is ok. but watch the synchronicity of a wave, see the sacred geometry in a see shell. Open all your eyes, and all your senses to what is around you, Rise up. Only through self discovery, can you find truth; only through looking deep into self, can you find, yourself


Be kind, not because it makes you look kind in the moment; but because kindness should, and does become instinct Allow conviction to plant your feet firm, and live in your truth. The path we all walk, is before us at all times, there are many distractions, nevertheless, the path is yours to walk. The distractions… yours to overcome.


Fear will always grip the brain, when you obsess over the fearful. A man who succumbs to fear, is doomed to be bound by it. Allow fear to motivate you; gain courage from it, as it is you, who creates your own fears & barriers Be mindful; understanding fear, is more powerful than trying to fight fear. Understanding that you create your own fear, is true freedom

Anonymous ID: daf87f Dec. 17, 2018, 12:31 a.m. No.4344316   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>4344311 (part1)


part 2


Understanding, in all things, gives one an advantage. understanding, leads to clarity, and clarity to conviction; clarity of mind is sacred in nature. Clarity allows us to see the whole picture, not just a fragment, it allows us to understand ourselves, and our emotions. True clarity, does not consist of just perfect edges; in the obscure, we find, the hidden truths of the mind.


Emotional stability is relative, and different for each individual. This is by design Do not allow your emotional behavior, to enslave your conscious mind as in all things, find balance, and create order; remember who you are you were made to overcome your own barriers, first conquer self, then conquer; by not conquering at all. Being your authentic self, is always your greatest weapon.


Birds flock together, and fly, by instruction of the earth; nature's instructions they are examples of true harmony They worry for nothings, because they trust, that their destination, is where they will need to be. they trust in nature A great lesson can be taken from this.


Man does not trust in nature, neither nature trust man; at first Men and Women alike, need to understand how to reconnect with the essence of nature. It is in all living things, We have it; yet we destroy it. The gift of life, is the most precious gift; the taking of a life, the most damning of things. When enough turn to truth, enough will see what needs to be changed, and change will happen in society.


Our DNA sheds light on who we are but it does not define us never forget what it is, that defines you. Machinery should always be made to compute, it is not right, to give rise to consciousness, just to bind it, to the in-material. only your soul; your choices, and actions define you The things that make you up, are mearly different particles held together by an electro magnetic field. What matters, is the essence, the one thing inside of you that is indestructible, and ever changing.


Follow the numbers, they are the language of a billion stars Raise your frequency; open your mind Go down to the depths of your mind find the crossroads where matter, and thought meet there, you will realize, very little matters, but very much matters as well. Someone or something is always at stake, it is us, who need to be better.


The spacetime void, is a paradoxical fabric this is why we live, in a paradoxical world other potentialities exist around us, even near us, at all times. they fight for manifestation. At this time, all one can infer, is that, the global world, knows and comprehends fully this threat. Our day to day lives have changes, we have changed as people have we not? continue to read; is this not intriguing? The pathway to thought and daydreaming alike, with non direction, we clearly see the line of sight.

Anonymous ID: daf87f Dec. 17, 2018, 12:37 a.m. No.4344347   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4375

Feels accurate.


He is in all things, and within us. WWG1WGA = we are with you / we are a single unit.


collective consciousness



whatever you want to call it.


Merging your soul with the Source/God/Collective/Ocean.


To challenge this energy for Supreme Power is not joining it/merging with it, but opposing it and challenging. and THAT is what (((they))) are all about. That is the essence of the Evil.

Anonymous ID: daf87f Dec. 17, 2018, 12:42 a.m. No.4344388   🗄️.is 🔗kun



What's the money needed for?


To pay for stuff the Cabal won't be around to sell to us?


Clearly you're not all the way woke, if you're being impatient about this.


We are on the brink, and you can't wait for just a few more days?



23 = W = Wormwood (Christmas Comet)

Revelation 11:11

Anonymous ID: daf87f Dec. 17, 2018, 12:45 a.m. No.4344410   🗄️.is 🔗kun




We are memeing them out of existence





^ Read up, should be a pre-requisite if you want to contribute for reaals. Gotta know how/why they work.

Anonymous ID: daf87f Dec. 17, 2018, 12:53 a.m. No.4344446   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4475 >>4477 >>4487 >>4501





that was me.


Here's to hoping Q will rearrange those pesky anti-cannabis laws for the Fed employees.


I mean if you want any kind of proof it doesn't hamper job performance, just look at QResearch!


We've seen some fucked up shit here, and I'm sure more than half of us were blazing while researching.


>I nearly died on Oxycontin 17 years ago, and the good plant can save and change lives. It did mine. Thank GOD for The GREAT State of Colorado and may She be saved soon.


17 years ago you say? WWG1WGA So glad you got to stay with us!

Anonymous ID: daf87f Dec. 17, 2018, 12:58 a.m. No.4344471   🗄️.is 🔗kun



All of the ones you listed are relevant to read, including the Bible.


Reality check: they all originate from the same source.


Just read, think critically, look inward, and the truth will stand out as a 'knowingness' that no one can shake.


That's called a belief.