oh snap 751
word, im usually at work and on dayshift bread. that shit is so polluted its ridiculous. Makes an anon a cynical, judgemental asshole. But you dome to nightshift and anons are on point talking sense. Im used to 20 replies a minute and breads going one every half hour. shit you niggas are great to spend time with compared to the overpaid shills and noobs during the day!
>>4343862 PB notable
wait so we have MIL planes flying a keystone pattern yesterday and today lights are out at memorials? coincidence?
fuk i love this movie.
not yet, i dont think. more of a wink than a black eye
this dig is very interesting I agree. dont you love knowing shit weeks in advance? shit has been happening hardcore since Nov but only we know!
nah i was trying to hit post seven fif one but posted in the new bread instead of old. It is a huge embarrassment to me so please, lets let it go
we'll truck in a ton of gravel first, pack it, let it settle and then concrete over the fill. we got this KEK
laugh it up chuckles xD
hide yo power nigga! I dont talk about Q to anyone, I do however spread truth.
I dunno if anyone gets this reference but Mr Mugs is now my official mascot.
sixty nine confirms xD
ill say it again this bread, hide yo power niggas/
fuck AJ is a disgrace to anyone leaning right. to make us look like fools is his only job. Im also against gavin mcinnes now after their stunt the other day/ initiating AJ into the proud boys. these people are so cucckkkeed
Qresearch and Q posts are not meant for ninety percent of people. It is our job to disseminate the info in our own language and own terms. We are the sheep dogs. I talk to so many people every day and I've found that its not about Q at all, its about truth. Load up a few truth bombs about daily news to the plebs/they cannot refute the info I have so i eventually pwn them/ my job is to not be distracted by their nonsense and to relate REAL NEWS with irrefutable proof. I open so many minds every day its ridiculous. So i can truly say we are winning, people are open to the info. Just dont say anything about Q or what you follow because fake news has made Q a dirty letter. FACTS MATTER.
you are quite misguided if you think that. We are the sheep dogs. Do not mistake our kindness as weakness/
we already do see.
I need some mothereffing cinnamon rolls with buttercream frosting at 8am/ if you dont have them ready ill just have to bake them myself and tbh ill be so hungover i miohgt poison myself with ecoli so you better habve my back./
dude ive been reported for fake names countless times. the trick is to always be the good guy, guide them in to the truth/ "agree" with them but open up other paths of exploration. heres a trick, never ask a question you dont already have the answer to. so start guiding conversations to your answers, it sounds dirty but it isnt. this is how the DS operates. learn how to manipulate people/ people are stupid
i think that nigga blind
just collect info, try to stay away from saying the name Clinton. break all the info down more and steer people in to realizing who the devil is for themselves. just point people in a direction without giving away your partisan views. say things like "did you hear this" and etc. learn to play stupid and you can steer the sheep much easier. play stupid.
your projection is showing
oh look the shills and the "non shills" are back fighting each other in an endless nonsense war no anon worth their salt is paying attention to.
goodnight to every faggot that reads this. to the shills just know you can always switch sides and fiight for the light. you are welcome here.
these niggas obvs dont see how much info we really have. govt and courts move exceedingly slow. anons are AT LEAST 36 months ahead of the news cycle.
i meant 3-6 months ahead but 36 mos is still good enuf yfor these plebs