Anonymous ID: 5e7077 Dec. 17, 2018, 5:20 a.m. No.4345652   🗄️.is 🔗kun




"AI" vs Poop.

2 versions of "Hive Mind".




Logical no ha… each node contributes, based on their own capabilities & experience, result is either "least worst" or optimal/best-for-most


Biological no ha… each node contributes as directed from the designated central node; only central node "happy", maintains structure by maximizing coping/regen ability of nodes


Former is the MALE model.

Latter is the FEMALE.


World is choosing return to the FORMER.


Those who benefit from the LATTER are worried they will be made "redundant" should the Logical Hive Mind choose "best-for-most".




{{Biobots}}, through Hillary, let slip they wish to–as a minimum–ELIMINATE at least 25% of US pop. Look up "deplorable", to confirm; SUPERPREDATORS = same sentiment.