hello agent cooper
this is my clown nose
there are many like it
but this one is mine
thanks for firewalking through the oven with me.
hello agent cooper
this is my clown nose
there are many like it
but this one is mine
thanks for firewalking through the oven with me.
i saw a midgit at the pharoahs lodge the other day.
im not the only one that has applied this to my life like this am i?
desu took them in the boat and they rowed to the otherside of the lake.
i put the mqp on omegachan for when SHTF.
is it wise to bake here with the vulcans?
yeah to others. but i want to do it large scale one big proof.
i have to stand up all day at twin peaks while clambaking and my leg swells up and my thinjing gets foggy.
i am finding balance. i have a few months at least right?
ok well if this is a journey i have to self make then we will be right on time.
i have so many pictures and data.
had a run in with mr essay but im kicking his ass.
tape R is going along well i found that i prefer to use my money serving others.
widows and orphans.
at anytime im ready to be airlifted to a secure location if you need me to complete the lds st john chapter 2.
well done ol bean
btw i laughed so hard when i foind the white rqbbit at the toothsayers office when they gave me thw clown nose and made me salute the flag.
ill get comfy pics at the cleaning.
now that im better prepared.
iou my life.
still additionally grateful
t. facestealer
is he really gone from this plane?
i know they let the dead post here.
love you tear.
btw this video is essential to vegas
its either that or twitter dee em nomads
its not strange for me because they surround me day and night too but not in a fear way