Total Victory. Take it!
I wonder how they like watching the destruction of the Old Guard?
Tarmac - spill it Loretta.
I don't know. I like scrolling/scanning really long retard gematria posts, because you can see how much time they put into it (waste).
Comey eating jail "bologna" sandwiches and an apple tonight? (that's shit ain't bologna.)
My current theory is they both planned to fake their own deaths. No Name suddenly was "feeling much better" from his terminal brain cancer. I suspect that's when he found out he wouldn't get away with faking his own death.
I like the idea that the notes were a picture of GHWB that showed the people GHWB got busted trying to fake his own death.
… Or, maybe, the cabal just killed GHWB to take over the news cycle for the week. Not sure yet.
It would strike deep fear into them if that was all of their plans. Fake death no longer an option. Death Penalty only option.