Anonymous ID: a102f3 Dec. 17, 2018, 6:24 a.m. No.4346110   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6368

Dec 17, 2018 08:08:38 AM Anytime you hear a Democrat saying that you can have good Boarder Security without a Wall, write them off as just another politician following the party line. Time for us to save billions of dollars a year and have, at the same time, far greater safety and control! [Twitter for iPhone]


Dec 6, 2018 10:15:12 PM Arizona, together with our Military and Border Patrol, is bracing for a massive surge at a NON-WALLED area. WE WILL NOT LET THEM THROUGH. Big danger. Nancy and Chuck must approve Boarder Security and the Wall! [Twitter for iPhone]


Jun 18, 2018 08:53:48 AM It is the Democrats fault for being weak and ineffective with Boarder Security and Crime. Tell them to start thinking about the people devastated by Crime coming from illegal immigration. Change the laws! [Twitter for iPhone]


Jul 23, 2015 09:39:00 PM "@facingeast52: @realDonaldTrump Please be careful there, the boarder is a dangerous place according to those who live near there." [Twitter for Android]


Jul 3, 2015 04:27:39 AM "@JUSTTHETRUTHTV: @WFinchner @realDonaldTrump @Macys So? How does that change that very bad people are coming over the boarder?" [Twitter for Android]


Oct 13, 2014 06:30:17 AM "@YOD_Bagholders: @realDonaldTrump Trump 4 President! Close the boarders and protect our children!" [Twitter for Android]



See any similarity?

Board-er: an indication towards this board? Clockfag presented nice matching clock for Q post with 'board'


Board-er: who boards freely, boarder - illegal aliens.