Anonymous ID: a1e879 Dec. 17, 2018, 7:05 a.m. No.4346398   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6416 >>6493 >>6651 >>6687


Any dope heads or cops know if the price of illegal drugs increasing at all? If it is not increasing logically the flow of drugs is not been slowed. The Cabal probably makes most of the profits off the drug trade and an increase in street price would be a good sign.

Anonymous ID: a1e879 Dec. 17, 2018, 7:11 a.m. No.4346438   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6506


If he kept his dick in only adult women the Wood tapes would be almost valueless.


I think they did not focus on blackmailing fellow Jews….but the Goy. But I could be very mistaken.

Anonymous ID: a1e879 Dec. 17, 2018, 7:26 a.m. No.4346605   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6620 >>6622 >>6626 >>6751

Anyone ever think the Khazar and the Arabian might of been Jewish plots?


Could the story of the Khazar King requesting the three religions to tell him why he should convert to either one be a fake origin story. I heard that the Khazr bloodline has up to possibly 30 male Jews from the Levant. That they believe that a small group of Jewish rabbi's went on a mission. Could they have picked the savage satanic tribe as a likely group to send against the christians? Could they have converted the Khazar king then the people with the entire intent on turning them loose on christians?


Saudi Arabia was a Jewish Kingdom. Muhammed had his people pray to Jerusalem at first. Could he have been a patsy? Like a walking moron like Obongo. Mkultra old school style? Could the Jews have basically created Islam as weaponized Jewdom and sent them at the christians with the Jews scattered all over the mediterrean like a they are now. Making wonderful spies for the muslims and encouraging the invasions. Intentionally building Islam up as fast as they could to destroy christians? The history books tell all about Jews in spain and portugal in direct contact with Jews in morocco encouraging and planning and aiding the Muslims in the invasion of the iberian penisula.


When Jews took over Russia millions of christians were genocided

When Jews took over ukraine millions of christians were genocided

When Attaturk the domen crypto Jew took over Turkey millions of armenian christians were genocided.

When Castro (portuguese crypto Jew) took over Cuba many many christians were genocided.


I see a pattern. I see planning going back more than a thousand years. I think the Jews have been plotting to destroy christianity from the beginning.