Anonymous ID: a64df4 Dec. 17, 2018, 6:23 a.m. No.4346101   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6117 >>6119 >>6154 >>6180 >>6538 >>6585

>>4346080 (link to last bread)


Economic relief depends primarily upon the general improvement of economic conditions. Beyond that, additional help can be provided by lowering taxes, by supplementary assistance in caring for large families, and by marriage loans for those wishing to found new families.


I propose that the gov't should provide a $100,000 loan to all newly-wed pan-European citizens of America and other European nations. And for each child they have, $20,000 of the loan will be forgiven. THIS is how we restore our nations and our birth-rate. NOT by spending our hard-earned tax-dollars on third-world migrants!


"You cannot restore our nation with someone else's babies." - IA Rep. Steve King

Anonymous ID: a64df4 Dec. 17, 2018, 6:26 a.m. No.4346131   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6160

From all we have learned so far we can see that the fate of a people is determined primarily by its manpower. The biological forces are decisive for its maintenance. Many peoples who have done great things in the past have already disappeared from the face of the earth because they die out on account of a decline of births. A growing population alone guarantees the future life of a people and its lasting permanence. The racial structure of peoples, however, determines the form their community life takes. Art and science, economy and culture are developed by peoples according to their racial character. Even the kind of political leadership and the form of the state are conditioned by the character of the race. The historical accomplishments as well as the present life of a people are primarily determined by blood.

Anonymous ID: a64df4 Dec. 17, 2018, 6:31 a.m. No.4346160   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Territory is not without its influence on the life of a people. Its geographical situation in the world, whether on the ocean or other means of communication, its relation to the territory of neighboring peoples affect deeply the course of political events. Its soil provides nourishment and possibilities for work. Treasures of the soil, raw materials, and climatic conditions influence the cultural and economic life, fostering or hampering it. The life of the state develops out of harmony of man and land. For a state exists only where people and territory are forever bound together. During the course of history the people's consciousness of homeland arose, and conferred upon territory, in addition to positive, material values, spiritual and idealistic ones as well.

Anonymous ID: a64df4 Dec. 17, 2018, 6:49 a.m. No.4346274   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6446

The "Nazis" stood for FAMILY-VALUES… Something that was being stamped-out by the Bolsheviks in their time, and in America by the same Jews, IN OUR TIME.

Anonymous ID: a64df4 Dec. 17, 2018, 7:12 a.m. No.4346446   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6460 >>6473



KNOW YOUR HISTORY… You are a PROUD and STRONG people. Yes, (You), WHITE MAN. Research the facts for yourself. Do NOT take the word of your leftist middle-school teacher. You have a mind. Use it, to uncover the facts and truth regarding /our/ people. The American peoples are NOT intended to be mixed with the third-world. We must protect and preserve /OUR/ way of life. You know who you are, and you know your role. You need only be guided by your own sharp-reason. THINK. You know the answers. Truth is verified through logic. Men like myself merely serve as reminders of who (You) are. Wake yourself from your slumber and be the proud American you are. An American who understand his history and his people. An American who defends his nation from ALL FORMS of subversion, invasion, or foreign-influence. It is your duty to defend /OUR/ PEOPLE, though it ought to be your pleasure to do so. Speak softly, but carry a sharp-sword. Tolerate the degradation of your people, no more! Exist boldly and expansively, or do not exist at all. THIS is the choice /we/ have been given.

Anonymous ID: a64df4 Dec. 17, 2018, 7:17 a.m. No.4346503   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Attachment to the soil is naturally not equally strong and deep in the case of all peoples. The American people have distinguished themselves from earliest times by reason of a special attachment to their territory. Only when racial contamination threatens to suffocate the living and unique forces of the American people, could those powers, which were striving to uproot the American people, gain ground. To this end, the spiritual values of the soil were the first to be disturbed. The love of homeland was destroyed and made ridiculous.