If you are diabetic
or if you have family or friends who are diabetic: READ THIS.
If you are diabetic
or if you have family or friends who are diabetic: READ THIS.
Step AWAY from the DOORS!
"Highest Civilian Honor"
Scrap it POTUS. It's dishonored, like the fake Nobel for economics and fraudulent peace which were created for marxist illuminati social engineering/programming.
>President Barack Obama awarded 123 Medals, the most ever.
Two people, Ellsworth Bunker and Colin Powell, are two-time recipients of the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
Considering whom Obongo gave the award to, worthless Pedowood hacks, it's worthless now anyway.
POTUS should create a new award, for MAGa. No more marketing promo bullshit like the "presidential medal of freedom" either.
There are 100s like Angie in Pedowood.
They all have stories.
Many of the stories are true.
Feel free to dig.