Say Jews
Blame Jews
Doubt Jews
Jews were a lie
Don't be a Jew
Elon is a wannabe vampire depraved faggot
McDonald's breakfast Jew
Shitty Jew drumpf tampon
Shit in a cooter
Glory hole faggot
Cia actor
Real Jews don't believe in Christ
Scientologist dildo baggin
Not a Jew
Screaming bacon
Interracial subversion enuendos
Subversive texts
Change tampon
Switch to maxi pads
Unrequited feltcher homo
Use the maxi pads with wings
Doubt it
Not a single Jewish thing in that post
Idk where cia glory holes are
Are we shouting for
The slow grow horns
Or the quick and dirty
Get a divorce
Homo soft core treason tampons
Look at these judas fehgels gropeing for cock
Texture and creaminess
Quuuueer shitty twat