Old People With $ + Like to Fish (not next to niggas like us) = SW FLA
Do you have even the slimmest connect the dots summary to go with this?
No? Then Not Spoopy.
Old People With $ + Like to Fish (not next to niggas like us) = SW FLA
Do you have even the slimmest connect the dots summary to go with this?
No? Then Not Spoopy.
Do tell us moar about this Sage man named Lionel.
Lover of trains I presume?
He seems so interdasting.
This bread right now is cool
Reminds me of how it feels to be on here late late Night Shift
Damn - WTF these Hippies post so damn slow!
Slow in here
Every one got jobs
Put an extra $10 for me on whatever goes up after the next good jobs report
POTUS better be making things up to Q!
POTUS: Well, the anons are gonna hate this change in plans
Q: Yes sir they will.
POTUS: Oh well, you'll figure something out right Q?
Q: Yes Sir I will (better grab some vaseline again)
POTUS:What's that?
Q: Nothing sir, just reciting my to do list
Another of the Q's the bad guy crowd
Always complaining about Q
Never complaining about POTUS
Thanks for the voice of reason!
POTUS Keeps Dodging Roadblocks Slowing Him Down - He amazing Ain't He?
Q Keeps Dragging Shit Out - What a Faggot
I love both POTUS & Q
But only 1 of them gets constantly shit on here