Anonymous ID: 0346ff Dec. 17, 2018, 1:32 p.m. No.4350476   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Some have awakened unto the Light, and it has awakened, in turn, their own evil. And thus, they are already in their everlasting contempt of the LORD. Further, many stand in the highest places of your so-called "churches" and proclaim that we, who bring truth, are false prophets set about to delude man-delude man from what? Is man doing so very well at present? Those false ones from the pulpits proclaim that you shall shun these messengers–just as ones were called upon to shun the very Master Teacher himself– YOU HAD BETTER OPEN YOUR EYES AND LISTEN AND SEE FOR YOU ARE ABOUT TO PERISH OF YOUR OWN ALLOWING AND DOING.


WE, of these higher realms, do not intercede in physical actions–'tis the SOUL of man that rouses ability to intervene. When God determines that the soul on its course of self-destruction shall indeed be destroyed for the neglect of Cosmic Law, then the intercessors are removed and the sorting is at

hand. Think carefully on what I say and simply observe life! One is taken and another is left. Some pass from the screen of life, for they have outplayed their portion. God desires to see the soul of a people survive, and dear ones, for this one purpose, He has said, a whole civilization may well be



Souls are being lost in this nation!–more so than any other nation, because of the destruction of the body and the deterioration of the soul in hell through the subculture of drugs, allowing souls, then, to be deluded and to make pacts with fallen angels and give to them all of their Light until naught is

remaining. And it will worsen and worsen for it is the only ammunition given unto the dark brothers with which to destroy.


Beloved ones, how can you understand-one accident in Chernobyl and pollution of your lakes and rivers and your seas, that has not been told and has reached even unto your own bodies? How many "accidents" have the Archangels of God prevented, do you suppose? How many have they spared

you because you have kept the light even in your sleepiness, to give you time to awaken and find your way out of the darkness which has engulfed you?

Anonymous ID: 0346ff Dec. 17, 2018, 1:44 p.m. No.4350608   🗄️.is 🔗kun

smart discus man

bubbling over

like hot damn

ten cherry sherry

who knew me

as a cave man

don't club the seal

for the ice

is already
