Anonymous ID: cc757f Dec. 17, 2018, 1:57 p.m. No.4350739   🗄️.is 🔗kun



It's a wedge issue is what it is. Any port in a storm I guess.


I've already stated my opinion on it but for the record:


1) /BO/'s board, /BO/ calls the shots.

2) per /BO/ if mod team think it's cp, it will get deleted. No appeals.

3) anyone who bitches and complains about the way shit is here is either a shill or new

4) the egregious porn is a thing that ramped up after january 2018, the gore porn came this #4 didn't't faze us at all.


and finally


5) if a little softcore bothers you, you would have had heart attacks on the daily with the goreporn, fuck off.


TL;DR: the porn posters are probably shills, but if you let images and text cause you to lose your shit, what good are you when real, damning information comes down the stream?


What good would you be in a real time situation, where fucking up could get you shot or in jail?


To all you out there that are shills, but don't get it: Smarten the fuck up, please.