Anonymous ID: 7d6a30 Dec. 17, 2018, 1:58 p.m. No.4350754   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0756 >>1379

Sheriff's captain arrested for distributing child porn gets no jail time


ASHLAND, Va. (AP) — A sheriff's captain who was originally charged with distributing child pornography has pleaded guilty to contributing to the delinquency of a minor, receiving no jail time in turn.


The Richmond Times-Dispatch reports 40-year-old Donny Lewis Dixon entered in a written agreement Wednesday to be convicted on the misdemeanor charge.


He was arrested in June after investigators executed a search warrant. But defense attorney Peter Baruch says there was no document or image showing his client possessed anything illegal on his computer.


Baruch says the legal teams avoided a trial by agreeing to something that didn't involve sex offender registration.


Dixon's 12-month jail sentence has been suspended, providing he complete therapy and treatment, and avoid unsupervised contact with unrelated minors.


He resigned from his Chesterfield County post shortly after his arrest.

Anonymous ID: 7d6a30 Dec. 17, 2018, 2 p.m. No.4350767   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1267

Kiev Send Tanks and Troops to Donbass, Poroshenko Regime Hatching an Armed Provocation?


The Russian news agency TASS reports (December 16, 2018) on disturbing developments pointing to the deployment of Ukrainian troops and tanks against Donbass. “A spokesman for the DPR defense ministry Daniil Bezsonov said that tank and mechanized battalions of the 93rd mechanized brigade have been unloaded at the Konstantinovka railway station”


Ukraine’s forces have started reinforcing their grouping in Donbass, redeploying tanks and attack aviation to the contact line in the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic, Daniil Bezsonov, a spokesman for the DPR defense ministry, said on Sunday.


“Over the past two days, tank and mechanized battalions of the 93rd mechanized brigade have been unloaded at the Konstantinovka railway station, increasing the grouping by more than 60 tanks and infantry fighting vehicles,” the Donetsk News Agency said.


The DPR intelligence has reported that four Su-25 aircraft have been sent from the Melitopol to the Berdyansk airfield. These attack planes may be used for fire support operations during a massive air strike, he said.


The Kiev forces are also planning to reinforce their grouping in the Gorlovka direction by militants of the Right Sector (extremist group, outlawed in Russia) volunteer units, the spokesman said.


“According to our data, 24 reserve hundreds have been formed, up to 150 gunmen in each,” he stressed.


Since the beginning of the Donbass conflict in April 2014 the sides have declared more than 20 ceasefires. The latest agreement of the Contact Group on the so-called “back-to-school” ceasefire took effect on August 29. However, no lasting truce has been achieved so far. (TASS, December 16, 2018)


The latest reports from Russia’s Foreign Ministry based on public statements by Sergei Lavrov suggest that “Russia Will not Wage War on Ukraine”.


This public statement is subject to interpretation. Moscow is not revealing its military and intelligence strategies with regard to Crimea and Donbass.


Lavrov’s public statement does not signify that Russia will not intervene militarily.

Anonymous ID: 7d6a30 Dec. 17, 2018, 2:01 p.m. No.4350779   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0805 >>0839 >>1019

FL - Teacher Arrested for Courting, Sending Lewd Messages to 12-Year-Old Student


A science teacher in south Florida is accused of sending lewd messages to her student through social media, even professing her so-called love to the boy.


The teacher has been identified as 47-year-old Andrea Jimenez. Jimenez taught at the Doral International Math and Science Academy. She is now facing charges for lewd and lascivious assault on a child.


An arrest affidavit says Jimenez started “courting” one of her students, a 12-year-old boy by regularly contacting the innocent child, and even attempting to kiss the sixth grader at one point during their last day of school in May this year.


The affidavit further claims that the teacher regularly tried to “lure” the young victim to her class after school.


She made her desire to engage in an intimate manner known to the victim. She even bribed him with gifts including toys, clothes, shoes, and electronics. She also attempted to prevent him from speaking with regular girls his age.


The malicious and sexual attempts didn’t stop in class or in school. During summer, Jimenez was said to have downloaded multiple social media applications in her continuous attempts to go after, and communicate, with her target.


Police reports say the child never expressed any desire to engage with the obsessed and inappropriate teacher.


The affidavit also says that alarmingly, the teacher even became “aggressively romantic in an obsessive tone” when communicating with the young kid.


One of the messages sent even scandalously read: “I will go to hell for u. Die for u stop eating to feed u. My love for u is so real and huge!!”


Fortunately for the boy, his mother discovered the lewd messages and decisively reported the teacher and her inappropriate behavior to the school.


Jimenez also shared her worries to certain school personnel about her “desire”’ for the child, and that her inappropriate behavior has made her worry about losing her job.


It turned out she had reasons to fear losing her job, as true enough when the school found out about her scandalous ways, she was immediately fired. She turned herself in on Friday, and was consequently arrested.

Anonymous ID: 7d6a30 Dec. 17, 2018, 2:06 p.m. No.4350830   🗄️.is 🔗kun

How Putin's Russia Weaponizes X


Q: What do humor, health information, giant squids, robotic cockroaches, tedium and postmodernism have in common?


A: Russia weaponized them.


Back in March 2016 we created a list of news items that accused Russia and its bear riding president Vladimir Putin of weaponizing things.


Others have since copied the idea.


Several of the pieces listed in it are products of the recently uncovered British government financed disinformation campaign, or of similar efforts by other governments. But these are only a part of the general anti-Russian reflex that is ingrained in our 'western' culture. Nothing else can explain the craziness of these 'weaponizing' claims.

Anonymous ID: 7d6a30 Dec. 17, 2018, 2:07 p.m. No.4350835   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0990 >>1027 >>1267

Ukraine’s President Says “High” Threat Of Russian Invasion, Urges NATO Entry In Next 5 Years


Poroshenko is trying desperately to hold on to power, even if it means provoking Russia.


Perhaps still seeking to justify imposing martial law over broad swathes of his country, and attempting to keep international pressure and media focus on a narrative of “Russian aggression,” Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko denounced what he called the high “threat of Russian invasion” during a press conference on Sunday, according to Bloomberg.


Though what some analysts expected would be a rapid flair up of tit-for-tat incidents following the late November Kerch Strait seizure of three Ukrainian vessels and their crew by the Russian Navy has gone somewhat quiet, with no further major incident to follow, Poroshenko has continued to signal to the West that Russia could invade at any moment.


“The lion’s share of Russian troops remain” along the Russian border with Ukraine, Poroshenko told journalists at a press conference in the capital, Kiev. “Unfortunately, less than 10 percent were withdrawn,” he said, and added: “As of now, the threat of Russian troops invading remains. We have to be ready for this, we won’t allow a repeat of 2014.”


Poroshenko, who declared martial law on Nov. 26, citing at the time possible imminent “full-scale war with Russia” and Russian tank and troop build-up, on Sunday noted that he will end martial law on Dec. 26 and the temporarily suspended presidential campaign will kick off should there be no Russian invasion. He also previously banned all Russian males ages 16-60 from entering Ukraine as part of implementation of 30 days of martial law over ten provinces, though it’s unclear if this policy will be rescinded.


During his remarks, the Ukrainian president said his country should push to join NATO and the EU within the next five years, per Bloomberg:


While declining to announce whether he will seek a second term in the office, Poroshenko said that Ukraine should achieve peace, overcome the consequences of its economic crisis and to meet criteria to join the EU and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization during next five years.


But concerning both his retaining power and his ongoing “threat exaggeration” — there’s even widespread domestic acknowledgement that the two are clearly linked.


According to The Globe and Mail:


While Mr. Poroshenko’s domestic rivals accuse him of exaggerating the threat in order to boost his own flagging political fortunes — polls suggest Mr. Poroshenko is on track to lose his job in a March election — military experts say there are reasons to take the Ukrainian president’s warning seriously.


As we observed previously, while European officials have urged both sides to exercise restraint, the incident shows just how easily Russia and the West could be drawn into a military conflict over Ukraine.


Certainly Poroshenko’s words appear designed to telegraph just such an outcome, which would keep him in power as a war-time president, hasten more and massive western military support and aid, and quicken his country’s entry into NATO — the latter which is already treating Ukraine as a de facto strategic outpost.