Love it KEK
Bwahahahahahah. OK. Cool. You just keep believing that little man.
BO explained how this place started and the guy only mentality of gamers. Guess what many women are gamers now too. Men can sit here and bash women, call us names etc etc if you think that Q thinks it is cool, good old boys bullshit then you have no fucking clue as to why you are even here. All the men here can say they are men but God forbid a female says she is. Fuck.That. When and IF the BO talks about it, or mentions it, then we women can talk to him. HIM. Do you remember school?? Say it with me honey,. "Sticks and Stones." Call me names baby if it makes you sleep better at night. Bye Felicia.
Keep em coming! This filter button is faboo. KEK