Anonymous ID: 30be84 Dec. 17, 2018, 3:20 p.m. No.4351609   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1647 >>1649 >>1733 >>2178 >>2213

New Legal Filings Reveal Hillary Camp Funneled Cash to Chris Steele to Help Her Challenge 2016 Election


Newly released British legal filings reveal Hillary Clinton paid former British spy and Russia dossier author Christopher Steele to help her “challenge the outcome of the 2016 election” if she were to lose.


Christopher Steele was dragged into court in a defamation suit filed by three Russian bankers in London who claim they were smeared in a discredited Slate article about a computer server, Trump Tower and Moscow’s Alfa Bank — the three Russian bankers, Mikhail Fridman, Petr Aven and German Khan also filed a lawsuit against gutter oppo research firm Fusion GPS.


“Internet traffic data suggested that a computer server of an entity in which the Claimants have an interest, Alfa Bank, had been communicating with a computer server linked to the Trump Organization,” Steele said.

Of course this story about the Russian Alfa Bank was a complete lie.


This fake news Slate story about the Alfa Bank was tweeted out by Hillary Clinton just one week before the election — did the corrupt Senate Intel Committee bring up Hillary spreading Russian disinformation via Twitter in their report?


Revealed in this newly unearthed declaration is Steele, a foreigner, admitting Hillary and the DNC paid him to help her challenge the outcome of the US presidential election.


Hillary and the DNC already paid Steele millions of dollars for the fake Russia dossier — that wasn’t enough — she wanted his help to carry out a coup against President Trump.


The Washington Times reported:


In an answer to interrogatories, Mr. Steele wrote: “Fusion’s immediate client was law firm Perkins Coie. It engaged Fusion to obtain information necessary for Perkins Coie LLP to provide legal advice on the potential impact of Russian involvement on the legal validity of the outcome of the 2016 US Presidential election.


“Based on that advice, parties such as the Democratic National Committee and HFACC Inc. (also known as ‘Hillary for America’) could consider steps they would be legally entitled to take to challenge the validity of the outcome of that election.”

Anonymous ID: 30be84 Dec. 17, 2018, 3:28 p.m. No.4351690   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1754

Why Is The FBI Muzzling The Only Person With Credibility Left in The Flynn Investigation: FBI SSA Joe Pientka III


There is a shroud of mystery regarding the actual facts that surround the first interview former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn had with two FBI Special Agents at the White House. Pieces of the puzzle, however, have slowly come together over the past year. In the past week, those pieces of evidence, or lack thereof, have become even more pronounced after Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s office was ordered by Judge Emmet Sullivan to turn over all documentation and FBI interviews – known in the bureau as 302s – to the court.


The highly redacted documents revealed a startling fact, the 302 from the first interview with Flynn on Jan. 24, 2017 appears to be missing. The only document referencing the interview conducted by both Former FBI Special Agent Peter Strzok and his partner at the time FBI Special Agent Joe Pietka III, is an August 2017 document. The 302 from Aug. 22, 2017, is of an interview the bureau had with anti-Trump agent Strzok based on notes he had put into the FBI system on July 19. Those notes apparently were regarding his impressions of his interview with Flynn in January.


Improper doesn’t begin to describe what’s going on with the documents, said multiple former U.S. and senior FBI officials. The main question, they have, like so many others, is what happened to the original notes regarding the FBI’s interview with Flynn?


It isn’t difficult to decipher but there were only two people who would know directly what happened with the Jan. 24 interview: Strzok and Pientka.


So why hasn’t Pientka ever been questioned by Congress or by anyone that we know of, for that matter?


The only person who has credibility and could shed light on this matter is Pientka. He’s the only person the FBI, DOJ and Mueller investigation has purposefully muzzled


On June 6, 2018 Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee Charles Grassley sent a three-page letter to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, questioning the DOJ’s and FBI’s failure to provide information regarding Flynn’s interview with the FBI and any exculpatory information with regard to Flynn’s case that Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s office may be withholding from Congressional inquiries. Grassley “noted that as both the Committee’s request and the Department’s reply note, any exculpatory evidence must be turned over to the defense. However, the Department’s assurance that, ‘Mr. Flynn is represented by skilled and experienced attorneys who … will have access to favorable evidence in the government’s possession,’ is not relevant to the Committee’s inquiry. Regardless of whether all exculpatory evidence has already been or will be produced to the defense, Congress has a wholly separate, independent, constitutional oversight interest in the information.”

Anonymous ID: 30be84 Dec. 17, 2018, 3:33 p.m. No.4351751   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Google Search ‘Filter Bubbles’ Politically Divide Americans, Study Warns


Google’s personalized search results are isolating people in bubbles of their own political preferences, making it harder for voters to make informed decisions on contentious issues, according to a study by DuckDuckGo, a company that runs the privacy-oriented search engine


The company had 87 volunteers across the country conduct the same series of searches on Google within about one hour. As expected, nearly all were shown significantly different results.


“These editorialized results are informed by the personal information Google has on you (like your search, browsing, and purchase history), and puts you in a bubble based on what Google’s algorithms think you’re most likely to click on,” stated the report from the study published on Dec. 4.


But even when the study participants were logged out of Google accounts and with heightened privacy settings in their browsers they couldn’t escape Google’s showing them results of nearly the same level of variety, demonstrating the “filter bubbles” might be much harder to burst than previously thought.

Bubble Polarization


The volunteers searched for words linked to politically contentious issues: “gun control,” “immigration,” and “vaccination.”


“The filter bubble is particularly pernicious when searching for political topics,” the report stated, as “undecided and inquisitive voters turn to search engines to conduct basic research on candidates and issues in the critical time when they are forming their opinions on them.”


The bubble thus worsens polarization in society, according to DuckDuckGo founder and CEO Gabriel Weinberg.


“You’re getting a viewpoint that you’re already more likely to agree with that’s pushing you toward your preexisting beliefs so you don’t really consider the other candidate or other side of the issue as much as you should in your research mode,” he said in a phone interview.


Americans have grown more divided along partisan lines over the past two decades, a 2014 Pew Research Center study showed. But Weinberg wouldn’t go as far as blaming Google, saying more research would be needed to prove more than a mere correlation.

Anonymous ID: 30be84 Dec. 17, 2018, 3:53 p.m. No.4352040   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2178 >>2213

UN General Assembly adopts resolution on militarizing Crimea proposed by Ukraine


UNITED NATIONS, December 18. /TASS/. The United Nations General Assembly adopted the resolution proposed by Ukraine on "militarization problem" of Crimea and the waters of the Azov and Black Sea. 66 countries supported the document, 19 were against it, 72 - abstained.


The resolution stated that presence of the Russian military in Crimea contradicts the national sovereignty, political independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine. The document also condemns Russia because of constructing a bridge across the Kerch Strait.


At the same time, the General Assembly rejected amendments proposed by Iran and Syria, aimed at balancing the document and containing references to the Minsk agreements.


Russia's Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Dmitry Polyansky noted that most countries abstained from voting, "not wanting to have anything to do with the harmful Ukrainian idea." Polyansky also said that as a result of such decisions, "the Kiev regime receives new signals that everything is permitted and everything will be forgiven, and Russia will be blamed for all its sins."


"No matter how many deceitful resolutions are adopted along with your Western sponsors and those who are afraid to cross them, this will not change anything in Crimea or around it," the diplomat said. "The key to solving all regional problems lies in Kiev, or rather - in Washington, where Kiev is controlled," he added.


Talking about the incident in the Sea of Azov, Polyansky noted that this is "an elaborate provocation that continues before our eyes." "It became possible with the approval of the United States and other countries, playing along with the information agenda of the Ukrainian authorities," he stated.


In the morning of November 25, three ships from the Ukrainian Navy - the Berdyansk, the Nikopol and the Yany Kapu - illegally crossed Russia’s border. They ignored legitimate demands to stop issued by vessels belonging to the FSB Border Service and the Black Sea Fleet and continued maneuvering dangerously. In order to stop the Ukrainian ships, weapons were used. A criminal investigation has been opened into the border incident.