The govt spies on EVERYBODY.
Book of Revelation explains the fall of the Great Babylon(NYC) which brings down the country. Christians are raptured and Jesus pours out the wrath of God on the unbelievers, killing all but 144,000 jews which He will restart the world with because God has a covenant with the jews. I will be your God and you will be my people. After 1000 years, they are judged by their works and none("no not one") are found worthy to enter Heaven.
While we all have hope, the USA will not be saved from the cabal. There will be a great awakening of the masses to be evil running the govts of the world and lead many back to Jesus but the cabal will destroy America.
I came to conquer but failed. As I lay dying all I can say is, Toots is fake and gay.
Prisons are full of people the MSM did not report on.
But, but , POTUS wants you to have new and improved govt health care shoved down your throat.
What plan were you trusting, the "hope and change" plan or the "we the people " plan? Just like hope and change was closer to the moslim brotherhood, we the people getting power are not the patriots. Learn their comms, politicians always use doublespeak mixed with misdirection and deception. Comprehende?
Never be a snitch and never trust the govt. Two absolutes to live by.