Read through the new vault on Andy McCabe, here are a few of my take aways:
It starts off by showing that McCabe was fired for two counts of lying and unauthorized disclosure sensitive information. Things we already knew. Then we see a couple new things:
There is an internal memo stating that [RR] referred to as the DAG (Deputy Attorney General) had final say on disciplinary matters regarding McCabe, shown as the DD (Deputy Director of the FBI) in the memo. (Pic 1)
James Clapper wrote a letter to Wray saying McCabe epitomizes fidelity, bravery and integrity. Clapper also said him and McCabe have "bonds" together from the times they shared testimony (lies) on capital hill. Clapper wanted Wray to let McCabe retire. (Pics 2&3)
McCabe and his lawyers, (Michael R. Bromwich, Eric B. Bruce; Kobre and Kim LLP) signed an NDA. If I understand the chicken scratch on the last page correctly, the NDA agreed upon, stated McCabe would keep his trap shut till the OIG released it's final report. Don't know if I read it correctly, pretty horribly written. (Pics 4&5)