James Comey is a Knight of Columbus and avoided going after Trump and his Italian Mafia connections because the owners of Cosa Nostra also own the Knights of Columbus. It is the Colonna family of Rome that own the Knights of Columbus and they also own the Motisi Mafia clan in Sicily and the Colombo crime family in New York. You can look up Ivana Trump hanging out with Prince Marcantonio Colonna in Florence too and see them together. The Colonnas manage the Vatican as the Prince Assistants to the Papal Throne. The royal family of Italy the House of Savoy have their agent Dennis Savoie who was Supreme Treasurer of the Knights of Columbus and is currently Canada's ambassador to the Holy See or Vatican. The FBI was created by Charles Bonaparte a relative of Napoleon Bonaparte. The Bonapartes are married with Italian nobles including the Bourbon-Two Sicilies family, Gabrielli family, and Borghese family.