Anonymous ID: 034019 Dec. 17, 2018, 6:31 p.m. No.4353930   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3942 >>3948


about 60-75% of the breads right now is really pure shill posts. (((they))) are working hard to try and drown out any real anon convo.


Really wishing Q team actually understood what drove people to vote for DJT and what fire originated from where. So far, at ground level they have done nothing but embolden our enemies.


Remember kids, be 'racist'. It's good for your health and survival.

Anonymous ID: 034019 Dec. 17, 2018, 6:33 p.m. No.4353954   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3973


that's the main typical (((kike shill))) everyone should know by now.

also, their obsession with masons tells us our people are not just any military/patriots.


Those in the know, must have been in positions to know.

All that matters is the result, and dead enemies.

Anonymous ID: 034019 Dec. 17, 2018, 6:39 p.m. No.4354018   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4061


Too much 'kill our people' and 'deliver our people to enemies' vs. 'killing niggers and shitskins'.


>inb4 "they want race war"

the 'race war' is worse than what apparently Q wants to face and it is sexual in nature + others.


media, every single fucking piece of shit that is peddling anything even remotely hinting things in this directly needs to be fucking raped in public.


Sick, sick shit.

'plan' had better not involve killing off our people, but with likes of some kikes influencing this thing (being allowed to?) I don't see white/western people truly winning any time soon.


Our 'defenders' are GREAT at killing and beating down their own, and are too much of a sick coward to anyone else. Sick. Results define it all. Intent matters for shit.


Results are all that matters.

Anonymous ID: 034019 Dec. 17, 2018, 6:57 p.m. No.4354217   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4353




also, race war started long ago and people were being corralled. Blind, until now.

But situation too much against one side.


>long Q post read 100x times

We know.

People don't care.

They really couldn't care less.

Even if we do, they don't.

Because nobody is holding fucking hands with shitskins and rapists roaming our streets.

Nobody is 'uniting' with enemies and those targeting whites/westerners.


We fucking know.

"stay strong do nuthin while they run wild"


We fucking know.

read it 100x times.

People won't be convinced until they see some dead shitskins and that bitch of a muzzy in mn hanging from a tree raped with her tongue cut out.

For Q, apparently that is graver crime than rotherham.


Fuck the optics, we create our own. Q team needs us to do so, but the posts from Q concerning racial matters has been like a fucking dagger twisting in our guts.


>inb4 fucking galactic heroine that is earth and bigger than we can possibly know.


no one will care when the world turns into jew/kike kushner fantasy land where white women and girls are targeted and raped on daily basis.


Sick fucking subhuman piece of shits and cowards running this shit or what.


Survival comes first, and Q team grieviously underestimates the effect of what current events are doing to people. That or they are simply cowards.


One thing is for certain. Miss 2019 and early 2020, and you can forget about bringing back the west within our lifetime. Our children will have to pay the price.


Disappointment is the word, and I have nothing but appreciation for what POTUS has done. Everything, from the moment he signed off on day 1, the EOs, and when they targeted human trafficking.


That's when I started to really believe. "They know".


But so far? The general sentiment I am getting from those running this show taught the true meaning of disappointment.


We will never make the same mistake again. Those unwilling to make hard decisions die. That simple.

Anonymous ID: 034019 Dec. 17, 2018, 7:04 p.m. No.4354289   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Any anon see Gen. Kelly in the picture?

His involvement has been interesting to watch, to say the least. irish and white americans with real fire in their hearts in this admin seems to have a track record of being kiked over.

Even if some are short sighted, it is telling.

Anonymous ID: 034019 Dec. 17, 2018, 7:09 p.m. No.4354364   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4376 >>4421


You are responding to a very well known kike shill:




these (((shills))) are now filling up 70% of the breads, pure spams but they intended to drive out all anons from the start, so we know.


Stay the course, let's all hope Q team knows what the fuck is really driving this and are actually trying to get us to survive.

Anonymous ID: 034019 Dec. 17, 2018, 7:12 p.m. No.4354398   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4438 >>4456 >>4549


>"our collective vibrations determines our reality"

those collective vibrations also damned well better be in tune with the 'reality' of the opposing side, anon.


also, just a little heads up but most of the esoteric/higher frequency shit needs to be treaded carefully. (((they))) deceive not really with the 'information' but how it is presented and when. Best lies are the truths given at the time and purpose of those who are against you.


Stormy waters many are not ready to tread, and can work against many if they head in blind.

Anonymous ID: 034019 Dec. 17, 2018, 7:15 p.m. No.4354432   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This is what we anons call "stupid fucking kike shill being a fucking moronic jew"



> e48fd

just three plus many more one/two post fucking MOS shits shitting up everything now. Retard level. Obvious, sloppy shit.

Stay strong, anons. Basis of the plan is sound.

Anonymous ID: 034019 Dec. 17, 2018, 7:20 p.m. No.4354489   🗄️.is 🔗kun


not to mention most of the esoteric/higher level so-called subjects are simply change in perspective.

Also MANY 'luciferian' and 'jewish' subversive demonic pulls within such subjects.

Q quotes from the Christian Bible with select phrases for a good reason.

Control and discipline is called 'oppression' by (((them))) and the cabal for a reason.

In truth, control and discipline is how you survive.

(((they))) and their cabal masters forment 'freedom from oppression' 'be yourself' for a reason. 99% of individuals have no fucking clue or actual power to dive into such things and come out for the better.

Better one rabbit in hand, then falling off the cliff chasing after hundred elks.


Survival and unity, sacrifice is the counter to their tricks.