It started a year ago
Late Fag
Are ya sure some judas fehgel ain't trying to live up to its daddy's hulk hogan potatoe
Ramtha is for losers
Then it gets akward for the abusers
Daniel is a bigger tard than Ernie poorass
Languish in a litany of larps
Longing loquaciously lurking
Lopsided litigation leveraged
But what is it
When are ready for Daniels homo on tv
When does the weed get here
We know they homo cause they touched
When ebot caught daniel and josh
Daniel never forgave ebot
24 years later
It's the same homo cuck daniel lesbo cucking unrequited peanut butter
So it's a lesbo cucking homo cuck depraved unrequited feltcher hobbit syllogism
Such funerary
Such mire
Much wince
Much grimace
Like afucking rocket sled of homosexuality condensed into a jabbering porch monkey
Peanut butter must be a helluva drug to the devil
Lucifer was the name of the templars goat that the Catholics maintain