Right on man. I like the idea of everything being vibration therefore in the higher realms evil and negative energy can't exist. They literally can't it's how the universe was designed. It's why they obsess with finding another way or busting through the gates of heaven. Ain't happening bruh. You choose to be low vibrational garbage so be it but you'll be stuck in the lower realms with all the other garbage.
I think humanity was sort of a young buck on the scene and we got caught up in a bunch of dark nasty shit. We veered off into the woods and got so lost we have no idea where the he'll we were going in the first place.
These Satanists are pathetic. Free will is necessary. Endless child rape and torture is completely unnecessary. Their existence is completely unnecessary. The idea is to learn from your experiences and the choices you make good or bad. They have created only suffering. No one learns anything it's them constantly jerking off.
They are a cancer and need to be removed.
The mental gymnastics of them doing us a solid or some shit just makes them that much more pathetic.
Organized religion needs to go. All man made nonsense. There shouldn't be 1 religion. There should be 0.
"Heaven" would be the the higher dimensions of pure love and consciousness.
"Hell" would be the lower realms where low vibrational garbage energy is stuck.
The universe is all yours. Enjoy.