>>4353669 lb
Hell is real.
We live in it now.
When we die, if we are good enough we will ascend to heaven and live as spiritual beings like the angels.
But if not, then we are REBORN here in Hell in another human body.
We can choose to summon demons, allow them to possess our bodies and communicate with us.
But these are IMPERFECT channels of communication.
Sometimes we can learn of useful bits of technology from these demons.
More often it is a confused mess, such as the writings of Aleister Crowley or the prophets of the Old Testament.
Angels too, can communicate with us, but the clearest and most truthful comms comes when we communicate internally, for our own personal advancement only, for guidance on how to be a better person.
The Power of Positive Thinking is one strategy to do this.
Prayer, quiet prayer and meditation is another.
Demons and those who serve them, are happy to stay here in Hell, and want to improve their communications, and the process of reincarnation so that they achieve a type of immortality, where they are born with some memories intact.
That is the Satanic way and they use Satanic Ritual Abuse on their children to achieve this state.